" 1 "
I saw you one day in my dreams
So I thought you were just a fantasy

I was surprised about meeting you in my reality
So I thought my eyes were delusional.

You accused my heart with the crime of your love
So it sentenced it to death and doom.

For my mind to scream in refusal of darkness
pleading to accuse the suspect , denying peace

So I had no choice but to blame you
In order for you to be the condemned.

So please admit that you are my kidnapper
And whom restrained my heart with chains

To conceal the truth from it
The truth which beholds pain between its folds

Kindly, stop appearing whenever
I decided to ignore you and move forward

And return to who you were , a phantom
One that I artistically created in my sleep

O my brain , wake my heart up
And make it hold into the lifeline

And let us meet there , always
In the most beautiful place in this time

If you were looking for its name
I shall answer you with “ the dreams world/ the world of dreams”.

" False hope "


All rights of the writing and the idea belongs to the Arabic writer " Alla Salem "

All the translation rights back to
" Malk.H "

#Except the unexpected

Enjoy ; )

Disclaimer : the story is not convinced and all of its content from the fabric of my imagination

© ASMsmile آلاء,
книга «False hope».