Save the sea/Сохранить море
ENHLISH:The breeze of the wind on my face,the smell of salt and happiness.The faces that smile and laugh,as they give me a reason,a purpose.The peacfull sound of the sea,crashing against the shore.The sea calls me,the sea rages when I go and is calm when I visit.Wherever i go,something leads me to the sea and the sky.The salt water,that stings my eyes and the taste of it my mouth but it's worth it.The hundreds of people sitting under the sun,having fun.I sit there and I forget everything that I don't need to remember,When I look out to sea I don't see a blue water,I see myself.The sea can be so many things,some people hate it and some people love it.Its shallow,but gets deeper and darker as you enter.The sea is a beautiful gift,So why is it being destroyed.Leave the sea alone,before there is no life in it.The feeling of the cold ocean on my feet,as the sea-weed tickles my feet.I will never to forget the day I first swam in the ocean,Because it was one of the best moments of my life.
Lillian xx