Dream 10
Ok I have a dream I was doing what I'm doing I was sleeping then all the sudden my dad took me to another world from the oldies I don't know where I'm at first I didn I wasn in my real world I didn recognize this place I found out it was my dad took me to another world that is for the oldies it was ok but I want to go back toy world that have electronic new world the other one at my dad oldies side was no electronics I didn like it it was probably dad friends oldies world that I don't recognize then my mom save from the oldies world to go back to my world I was about to get stuck there then I went back to sleep I was curious how to go to the oldies world I made a mistake I was sudden trap there I scream Abba name for help he was my dad old friend oldies world he try to get me trap at the oldies world I shouldn't have done that then finally I was save I went back toy world I'm so glad I'm back I will never do that again.