Dream 1
Dream 2
Dream 3
Dream 4
Dream 5
Dream 6
Dream 7
Dream 8
Dream 9
Dream 10
Dream 11
Dream 12
Dream 13 final
Dream 13 final
I was in a deep sleep in my dream then I saw this new devil karmic masculine n feminine try make me can't breath the blow up alot of bubble by using the machine I was surprised I have power I was battling the 4 new devil karmic team I almost defeated them but I did I fuse the machine thing it was fire sparky to stop the bubbles I used all my surprise power fire n water then I woke up.

Ok I have some weird dream that I don't know who I become some random guy that I don't know his queen I'm not his queen I don't know that guy he look like a white cat wait a minute could it b from the most high of god children that white cat mean it the light but I'm not his queen I'm an Empress n my true soulmate made that been through the same that I been through he is my Emperor but not a queen t I was a queen from some random guy that look like a white cat maybe there a black cat r hidden in that random guy.

Ok I have the most grosses dream that I was in a deep sleep I don't know what I was doing but ate something gross n awaken the green troll lady that got unstone I hope it not a bad thing if it is we have to turn the green troll lady back to stone I don't know how but it made me ate something gross n got the green lady troll unstone. I just realized somethings the green troll lady that got unstone was a good monster I'm glad she not bad.
© Thuy Phan,
книга «Dream & Vision».