Chapter one
Chapter one


I sauntered to my young maid, who was anxiously waiting for my forgiveness. Her frailness reminded me of someone who hadn't eaten in days. That wooly black hair of hers was a mess, a magnitude of debris in the center. Her name was Lorraine and she was of low status.

She slightly bent her knee, in a curtsy. "Your Majesty, do not punish me unjustly. Take their word as a grain of salt. Please hear me out."

"You escaped, ma'am. And knowing that you're a servant, doesn't sit well with me. To make things even between us, I want you to become a maid. You will have more freedom than a servant. But only to a small extent." Lorraine trembled by my feet, her hands touching the end of my tunic.

"I had no plans to escape. I-"

"Enough. I'm forgiving you."

"But thank you very much," Lorraine said, a tear escaping from one of her eyes.

The people of my court wasn't in high spirits. They thought that I was giving her the freedom to leave if she wanted to. No, it was a proper contract. Not a harsh one. This contract would make her a royal maid. A happy maid for that matter. Raising her pay, was an option. She wouldn't leave me.

"YOU ARE WELCOME, ma'am," I said loudly.

Lorraine had to abide with my schedule and rules. Her resignation wasn't part of the plan because I was determined to have her there for a long time. In other words, she was permanently my maid. I had her sign a couple things before proceeding.

I said something personal to the entire courtroom. "Women like Lorraine deserved a pass for their hard work. She was only thirteen when my father brought her to the castle. Six years of hard work was what she did for us. A royal servant. Have some mercy on her." I admired the fact that she was only a year older than me.

"Thank you again," she stated. "I want everyone to know that you will be the best king of Oskaine, the one everyone won't forget about." I bet there was a blush on my cheek. 

I knelt down beside her and touched her chin. I smiled. And when she smiled back at me, that's when I knew she loved my decision. "You will resume your work in the early hours."

"Thank you, my king. You are very kind." Her large brown eyes, the color of coffee beans, softened. That wide smile of hers made my heart dance.

"You should smile more. You are too beautiful to be sad."

"No one told me this before, sir. Being a servant hadn't been promising, but thank you." She had a half-smile and it was okay for the time being.

I kissed her on her forehead. "Do not worry."

Lorraine looked down, avoiding my gaze. I was accustomed to the shyness and the swooning from women. I guessed my handsomeness was having an effect on them. My bright blue eyes, oval shaped face and blonde hair gave me a difficult time of course, but I wished it was easier for me. Finding a girl with good intentions made me think of treasure hunting. Sometimes you find her, sometimes you don't.

I stood and lifted Lorraine up after the silence. "You have a better room," I said. "One of my advisors will show it to you." The rooms in the castle were going through a renovation and a change of rooms was possible. I wanted Lorraine to have a much better one. After all, she was my favourite, my favourite maid.

My cellphone rang uncontrollably in the pocket of my tunic. I said my apologies to the very agitated crowd, and answered the call from my father. After getting diagnose with lung cancer, he passed the throne over to me since I was the oldest. My twin sisters was not too lucky. But I wouldn't consider it lucky to be honest. The throne came with a lot of responsibilities.

"My son, you should not disappoint me," father said. This wasn't the first time he said that. Father was a worried man. He coughed. "If I die tomorrow, I want you to be comfortable. Son, I am looking forward to a different constitution, something to make your life much easier."

"Father, I got this." Not really. The absolute monarchy was slowing changing. We had officials, but not a prime minister. Soon, I told myself. "Enjoy your time at the village." The village of Merrishore was where my father stayed. He and mother thought that living there would bring forth relaxation, something father needed. But she was wrong. He still thought of himself as the king. His visits to the castle happened frequently. I had no problem with that. What I had a problem with was his aggressiveness, his need to bother me in my meetings and other responsibilities.

"I won't let you down, old man." He laughed. Old man was very offensive to many, but for my father it wasn't. To him 'oldness' was a part of life and many of us might never reach it. 

"Not an understatement, son. I have faith in you. One day, you will find a woman to love you the way your mother loves me." I had faith.

"Father, this is strong words. Thank you. Sorry but I have to end the call. A have a meeting in session."

"Love you."

"Love you too."

I hung up and surveyed a problem in the distance. Lorraine and another dark skinned girl were arguing by my court room's doorway. "Zoey you will burn in hell," Lorraine said. The people of the court was talking loudly, not minding the girls.

"Shut up, you are nothing."

"You shut the hell up."

I stopped the argument and the noises that was giving me a headache. Everyone, except for Zoey left the courtroom after my last words.

Zoey smiled at me. She had on a blue dress and stilettos. "King Thomas, I am here to speak to you. Tell me, what are you expecting in a wife?"

"Why were you in an altercation with your sister?" I inquired, shifting this to another direction.

"She is a nobody. Do not mind it, my king," she replied. "Have you spoken to Morgan?" Morgan was her sister. And Lorraine's step sister.

"Morgan and I went on a date yesterday." Zoey wanted every detail.

"Have she told you anything about me? Was it embarrassing? What did you do?"

"I can't give you details."

"You have only twelve months to choose a wife, Your Majesty. You can't waste it on her." Both sisters had an animosity toward each other. But I thought they wouldn't stay like this forever. Their mother, Mrs. Burks wanted one of her daughters as the future queen of Oskaine.

"It's a long time."

Zoey kisses my lip. "Do not choose Morgan. Choose me. I'm the oldest and the matured one." Zoey was twenty-three and was the oldest of the two. Morgan was twenty.

Zoey was beautiful, but there was something about her I didn't like. Morgan was my best bet.

"She seemed matured enough," I said. After sleeping with Morgan on numerous occasions, I could say she was matured. Matured enough to hold my child. Matured enough to do adult things.

Zoey rushed out of the room, her stilettos making an annoying sound. She wasn't happy with my response.

I walked out of the courtroom to my chamber which was located in the third floor of the castle. That meant I had to climb the never ending stairs.

My twin sisters climbed it with me. Their names were Jody and Rosemary and they were laughing at a joke one of them shared. They were sixteen and didn't need a lot of supervision. Our parents raised us up to be good kids. No need to do things that was wrong.

Jody and Rosemary both had brown hair the color of my father. They and I took mom's color eyes. "Thomas, when do we expect a queen?" Jody commenced.

"In twelve months. It's not a bad thing, is it?"

"It's great," Rosemary said. Jody nodded. My sisters didn't believe in true love. But I wanted them to know it could happen. My trip to the city this weekend to meet with families of young daughters were promising.

I was taught how to use a gun.

They were part of my safety, but I wasn't a huge fan of them. I was a sword fan- don't care about it being old fashion. Swords was still part of some people lives. It was a weapon. A good one.

I stored the gun I was playing with in a safe, and locked it. "Thomas?"

I spun on my toes and saw a female on my bed and she wanted me to make love to her.

"Take your clothes off, handsome." I abstracted my clothes quickly, starting with my boots.


I kissed the forehead of the dark haired girl lying down next to me. Her cheeks were reddened from the dirty things I told her. A boy had his naughtiness. "Your Majesty," she said, her voice hoarse. "I think you should take me as your queen. I have been your best friend and lover for almost a year."

"Nancy, let's not bring this up."

She shrugged. "Fine. It's time for me to leave." She rose from the bed, and got dressed. Nancy was a fisherman's daughter. She worked in a clothing store to support the family more. But I made it easier on her. I paid her for her services.

I came out of the bed, and took a shower. I made up my mind to find another woman to sleep with on a daily basis. A maid perhaps. My reason for this was because of Nancy. She was making this too personal.

Two days later, I was bothered by a visit. "Sire, Mrs. Burks would love to speak to you," one of my men said. "She is in the living room."

I strutted to the living room and saw a dark skinned woman sitting down on the sofa with her legs folded across the other. She was fanning her self with a portable fan.

"Your Majesty. It's nice to meet you," Mrs. Burks said. She stood and curtsied. You are becoming more handsome by the day." I remembered the first time I met her. It was six years ago, the same time Lorraine stepped foot in the castle.

She wanted money, so she sold her to my father. Someone selling their daughter for richness told me a lot about her as a mother.

"Thank you, Mrs. Burks." I sat down opposite from her. The portable fan she had in her hand was deposited inside her purse.

"One of my REAL daughters," she said loudly. "-are meant for you. Morgan is musically talented. Her saxophone skills are off the charts. Zoey is amazingly smart. Her test scores are very high." Mrs. Burks's voice remained in a very high pitched tone.

I nodded, and played with the enormous gold ring on my finger. "I prefer Morgan." I was not comfortable speaking to arrogant individuals. Emphasizing on the word 'real' was foolish.

I wanted to let Mrs. Burks know that Zoey had a vain attitude. It annoyed me. "That's good news. I will let Morgan know. What should I saw to Zoey? She adores you."

"You don't need to tell her anything." Lorraine showed up in the living room. And that caused Mrs. Burks to put on a satisfied grin. But when she saw me looking at her neatly dressed step daughter, her smile faltered. Lorraine was wearing a pretty pink dress and long white stockings that was too seductive.

"You look very cute, Lorraine," I said. Lorraine may have swooned.

Mrs. Burks laughed. "That thing isn't cute. It is hideous." She left the room.

I was bothered by my advisor, Terrell when I was lying down on my bed. He was older man, dark skinned, and had the physique of a boxer. "My king, your maid bit the finger of one of the men. No need to get mad, he is doing fine in the hospital wing."

"The name?"

"Lorraine. The pretty one."

"Mhm I see."

He brought both hands over his head. "Her hair is puffy, and thick. As well as dark."

"I know who she is, Terrell."

He laughed. "Of course, sir."

I went to her bedroom. Lorraine was on her bed, chewing her fingernails. Her black puffy hair was touching her shoulder, a pretty bow tie at the side. Someone had made her look prettier and appealing, not that she wasn't when she was dirty. I commanded the absence of Terrell, because I wanted to have an alone time with my maid.

"This is a call for punishment, but I won't do this to you," I started.

Lorraine beamed. She stood, and approached me. "He touched me inappropriately so I did what's best for me."

"I agree with you."

Lorraine rubbed her plumped and kissable lips together. "Yup. So?" Her Five Seven height was only a few inches shorter than mine.

I touched her chin, not caring about the guard's bite. If he did bother her, he got what he deserved. "Lorraine, my closet needs a complete makeover. I think you will be better fit for the job. Will you do that for me?"

"Sure, your Majesty. I am your maid," she said. I looked at her backside when she turned over to get her shoes. My mind was on how curvaceous she was underneath her garments. For a minute I wondered what would happen if I pushed up that dress over her head.

I bit my lip. Then I bent my head to the side when my sexy maid decided to kneel down before me. She had great sized breasts that was trying to pop out from her dress. "I'm ready, Your Majesty." Of course, she was. Together, we walked out of the room.

I always wondered how it felt like to have this brown skinned girl in my bed. This would be a smashing resemblance to s'mores which was made up of graham crackers and marshmallow.

These things were tempting and I wanted to get this out of my mind. Lorraine climbed up the stairs before me, a glimpse of her underwear was seen. My mind was pervasive at times.

"You need to make sure the items are in the right spot. Jackets with jackets. Tunics with tunics. Surprise me," I said. I knew my attractive maid was going to surprise me.
I couldn't wait to see the aftermath.

© Elle ,
книга «Black Cinderella bwwm».