Lean on me
A young boy from my neighborhood came to me the other day. he was near hysteria he said, big bro jamb just came out and i have failed woefully my parents don't know of this yet and i really don't Know what to do, I'm confused i did my possible best i prayed and fasted for days waiting on God i attended lessons and i prepared well for this exam i wonder how it came to this. At that point he was trying so hard to fight the tears while he was still speaking i became lost in my own thoughts I was like wow I know this road, I've been here before how did u ever escape that fate? Not too long ago, this young boy was me I still remember back when i was lost and hopeless All i had with me was a dream And it was beautiful what really happened? The only answer that made perfect sense was life happened You see, All it takes is patience and the wisdom to realize that even problems wouldn't last forever I turned to the young boy and said I have been down this lane before and I'd be here and be glad to walk with you all the way out of it what saved me during those moments were the lyrics of a song 'lean on me' sometimes in our lives, we all have pain and we all have sorrows but if we are wise, then we know that there is always tomorrow I slept wit this song I woke up with it I ate with it I put my faith in those lyrics little by little all the pain and sorrows sumed up and fizzled away and i realize that A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor I realize that, I'm in competition with no one it was me vs me I realized that he (God) was standing by even when no one around Do you have phone? He replied yes then i said, here is a little gift friend I sent him that song'lean on me' this will be a lonely walk you are about to walk into the storm it will break you it will remould you some days you will cry your eyes out but I'm just sure about one thing when you walk out of this storm, you won't be the same naive little boy that walked in You will come out stronger and wiser perhaps one day, even you too will share this song with another boy in distress.
2018-10-30 18:45:06
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Ruqayyah Jkh
Wow really deep. Just what i needed to read. Thank you.
2019-02-26 18:47:07
Схожі вірші
Don't know what to do
I wanna making you laugh, I wanna making you smile. Please do not kill this love, I'm only touched you while You was wondering by my warmth. I don't know what to do without you; So many days ago you brought Small hope into my boring life, too. Blue eyes like an immense ocean, Your first words like a dream. I'm fall in love with you more, However reckless it may seem. My little devilish angel With radiant smile, You are my own danger. I will always stay inside Your hot heart. You taught me, that memories Are never die, So for me it isn't very dangerous. You are here, but at a so long distance Of many kilometers in eternity. Your care and worry about me amazed My heart. Next to you is no adversity. I don't know what to do without you, My first and single soulmate. Don't kill this love, don't kill me too... Our love appeared from my hate. It is a turning point now, So what will you choose? Yes, you don't know, how... But we really cannot lose! ____________ And there is nothing more pleasant yet than to feel the love of a person who hates everyone now. Перевод на русский: https://www.surgebook.com/anastasia_chan/blog/7abtu0i © (Copyright, 2019) ⓝⓞⓡⓐ
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