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Megan sighed of relief while slipping into the hot water of her bath.

It must have been a year since she actually took care of herself. Her hygiene was not to be deplored either, she washed her body every day and her hair every three days. However, she hadn't since a while taken advantage of the hot water caress in the bathtub, and she had to admit that she had missed it enormously.

Her friends had make her notice her skin, whose spots appeared more and more. She didn't take care of her face anymore, and it was her fault. Therefor, she was a part of those with the greatest skin, not too tanned, but not white either.

He really destroyed her, she realized with sadness.

She sighed and looked down to the water who slowly slid on her skin. Once again, her thoughts ruined a whole pleasure moment. She shakes her head and started to lather her body and to wash her hair, ending the short bath.

She quicly dressed up and stared to her body in the mirror some second. She liked her well defined waist, but couldn't support her thighs.

The image of the girl who were holding Bryan's hand came back to her mind. She was pretty, way too pretty.

While Megan was in the norm. 

© Elvalith ,
книга «Fall».