Glory LoveWorld
2020-04-13 21:41:54
Risen and Alive
Новини, Думки вголос, Різне
Why seek you the Living amongst the dead! He is Not Here, He is RISEN and has become the hope for our LIVING.
Luke 28:5-6. Jesus our redemption has paid the full price for us asking us only to receive and abide in His Love by Faith in His Grace John 3:16. Living our lives through Him in obedience to His Word, knowing and Resting in the truth that it is His Word that is able to give us an inheritance amongst the saints Acts 20:32.
A Blessed Easter to every one and may the peace of Christ fill your hearts and minds as you for on Him through His word in Jesus Name Phillipians 4:6-7 and may you receive the virtues, which are made freely available to you in Christ Jesus, for your wholeness and soundness in Jesus Name Isaiah 53:4-5.