Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Book 2 Coming Soon
Chapter 5
There was nothing to do back at the dorm room so Tommy was bored. Merton was off having fun on a date and he was a bit jealous because it had been a while since he'd been on a date himself. Sitting here in the dorm room he couldn't help but think of Tristan and wonder what she would be doing now,  in Lycanthea but of course, he was happy for his friend. He deserved to have a normal girl who liked him for who he was.

Tommy put the football down on the bed and swung his feet over the side of the bed, and sat down like that. What could he do? He decided to go for a walk. It wasn't a full moon tonight so he wouldn't change into a werewolf unless something happened to make him angry or if he experienced any other extreme emotion.

Back at The Factory Colette and Merton made their way to an empty table. Once they found one Colette sat down. "Do you want a drink?" Merton asked her.

"Yeah," she replied.

"Okay, I'll back in a minute," he said tapping on the table and walked off to the bar.

Once he reached it he noticed his sister was with her friends. They had some drinks of juice. "Hi, Becky," he called.

"Don't talk to me more freak and why are you even back here? I thought you left for college," she said but didn't look at him.

"I did but now I am going to the same college as Tommy so now I'm closer to home," he replied.

"Ew, why?" She asked but she didn't wait for him to answer she started walking away.

"Come on let's go," she said to her friends and they followed her.

Merton sat down on a chair at the bar, to order some drinks.

"Hi, what can I get you?" The boy behind the bar asked. He told him what he wanted and paid for them. Once the boy gave him the drinks he said thank you and took them back to where Colette was sitting.

Merton put a glass down on the table in front of her and took a seat next to her before placing down his own. "Thanks," she said and took a quick drink.

After a while, the music had stopped and they could talk.

"So what do you think of Nosferatu, since you mentioned that you like the gothic fantasy genre?" Merton asked her.

"I love it," she said.

"Do you know back at high school I use to be the founder and president of a Gothic fantasy guild," he told her.

"Really? That's so cool. I'd wish I could have been a member," she said in amazement.

"Well, I could continue it," he said.

"Yes, do," she agreed.

They carried on talking and getting to know each other better until it was getting late, so they finished their drinks and got ready to leave. As they left so did Becky and her friends. Colette didn't see her and bumped into her.

"Watch where you're going freak," she said annoyed and turned around to face Colette.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to bump into you," Colette replied.

"Becky makes sure you go straight home from here," Merton said from beside her.

"You're not my mother and I thought I told you not to speak to me," Becky said.

"You know each other?" Colette wondered.


"Yes, she's my little sister," he answered.

"Unfortunately," Becky added.

"Well, it was nice to meet you. Bye," Colette said waving and then she began walking back to the hearse.

"See you later," Merton said to his sister. "Colette waits for me," he added and ran after her.


When they reached the college, Merton walked back her back to the girl dorms. He kept looking around cautiously because it was pitch black now and those vampires could be hiding around a corner, ready to attack him to finish what they started and get payback for him trying to trick them. There was no way he could fight against them all by himself. He wished Tommy was with them or Lori and as much as he didn't like to admit it they were both stronger than him, and better fighters. But Lori was quite a few miles away and Tommy was back at the dorm. Even if he did try to fight them, he didn't even have a stake. Maybe he would be lucky that they weren't around.

"I had a great time tonight," Colette stated when they came to a stop outside the doors.

"So did I," Merton said, turning away from the dark path to look at her.

"I hope we can do this again sometime," she said.

"Of course we can. I mean I'd like that," he told her.

"Well goodnight, Merton," Colette said.

"Goodnight," he said back. Then he closed his eyes and puckered his lips leaning forward.

"Erm... What are you doing?" She asked.

"Nothing," he replied opening his eyes.

"Look, I do like you but it's only our first date and I've never really had success with dates before," she said.

He stood back up straight. Then she hugged him. It caught him by surprise but he put his arms around her. A few seconds later she kissed him on the cheek before stepping back. He let go of her and she turned around and walked into the girl dorm building. He watched her enter and then started walking back to his own room.

Tommy was walking down the corridor back to his room. He had walked around the whole campus at least twice and sat down for a bit on a bench, just thinking and enjoying the night. It was getting late now and he was tired. There was no doubting that he would sleep well.

When he reached his and Merton's room he saw that his best friend was just getting back.

"So how did your date go?" He asked Merton.

"It was great. No, correction it was amazing. She's even interested in helping me to carry on the gothic fantasy guild and get members," Merton answered.

"That's good, so are you planning going out again?" He asked as they entered their room.

"Yes but there's something I need to tell you," Merton said shutting the door.

"What?" Tommy wondered.

"Okay, so maybe I was wrong about the residential advisor but there really are vampires here," he told his friend.


"Yes, when I was walking to the girl's dorm earlier today to meet Colette, they jumped me," he answered.

"Are you sure they were vampires?"

"Yes, Tommy I am sure. They had fangs, oh, and they wanted to drink my blood," he replied.

"How did you get away from them?" Tommy asked.

"I tricked them but does it really matter how I got away? I was right about there being vampires like I am always right. Well, nearly always right and we need to stake them," Merton said motioning the action of staking a vampire.

"Well, where are they now?"

"Yeah, like I know where a cult of vampires hangs out in a college. We need to find out why they are here and find out where their lair is before we strike."

"Not everyone has a lair like you had," Tommy joked and Merton nodded in disappointment at his friends failed attempt at a joke.

"Point is, we can't go walking around campus all night with stakes and water guns. We'll have to wait till tomorrow, Merton said.

"Good because my bed's calling me," Tommy said as he walked over to his bed and jumped, falling face down onto it.

They got ready for bed and went to sleep. They would need a good night rest if they were going to be researching and hopefully slaying vampires tomorrow.

© C A Quinn,
книга «Vampire College: Big Wolf College Years».