Just Me
My Task
Under The Stars
Under The Stars
You'd think traveling under the stars would be fun. But you are so wrong. So very, very wrong!

I'm out of water and I am exhausted. My feet hurt. My eyes sting. My hair swings around my face like a dry whip. My entire body is sore.

I don't know how long I've walked.

The stars shine above me, winking and so far away. Our four moons have come out to play on the night sky. I wish I could join them.

I already hated my father for doing all these terrible things. Now I hated what was being done to me.

I am just a kid, well almost an adult, but still! How am I supposed to fix all he has done.

I sit down, the temptation of laying down is whining at me. My body begs me to listen.

I close my eyes for a minute, the breeze whistling across my face.

I open them, searching for firewood. I really need to get some shut eye.

I gather logs of wood, surround them with stones, and then light them up with a match.

I pull out my sleeping bag, snuggling in for the night.

I whisper, as if my family can hear me, "Good night!".

I watch the fire as sleep claims me, holding me in her loving embrace.
© Jet L. Muskie,
книга «When The Mistake Wasn't Mine».
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