Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
A young man with his hands tucked into his pocket walked through the empty city streets. Everyone seemed to be minding their own business today, being so empty you'd believe it's some small rural town. 

He strode across the streets, looking down, he knew these streets by memory, he passed every day. It was after all on his way home. He felt an air of annoyance when he looked up to notice a shop he hadn’t seen before. 

Reading the sign it had in front, it was so old style but the text looked pretty, “Anything for the right price." He believed he had misread so he read it again but it did indeed say "Anything for the right price.”

He scoffed at this, taking his phone out, it was just after eight, he had time to waste. But just as he checked the time a messaged popped off.

“Uzoma please, come home. We can talk things out.” the text said, sent by his mother. 

He didn't want to waste his time on that stepping into the store and begging to look around. There where all worth of things in this place, from chap looking plastic bottles to keys for a car. 

However when he walked up to any items there was nowhere to look for the price. Walking up to the cashier he spotted, an elderly gray haired woman. 

She seemed content holding a smile on her face as she welcomed him, “Well good evening. How may I help you?”

Her kind words were met with a rude look from Uzoma, “What’s with the shop? There's no pricing to anything, do you even know how to run a store?” he hissed.

The older lady smiled even though his tone of voice was that of a spoiled child, “well I'm sure you read the sign up front. Anything for the right price.”

He decided to be coy, “Anything?” 

She nodded her head, “Anything.”

He took another look around and scoffed, he wanted to play things his way, “Well if I want money… What's the right price there?”

Curious as to what the lady would say, but when she opened her mouth he was shocked, “Well are you sure you want that?” her sweet voice holding no malice.

“Yes.” he said annoyingly. Coming to lean at the counter as he waited for what the older woman was to do.

“Let’s not worry about the price.” she said, and crouched down to grab something under the counter. 

He raised a brow, still curious as to what this frail old woman was to do. After all he knew all too well that everything in life did have a price.

When the woman brought a small box to the counter he looked disappointed. But she spoke again...

© Kaoru Ramiled,
книга «I Remember (under editing)».