The way there
The woah
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Joanne told her mom that she had a dream about this place called, candy lane. Her mom said that's sound like a wild dream, and then Joanne replied and said, it was a wild dream mother. Then her mom said, well come downstairs breakfast is ready. Joanne said okay mother I just got to wake up. Then Joanne's mom left. After breakfast Joanne went up to her room and laid down for a little nap. Then she came back to that dream, the little people were happy to see her again. Joanne went through every Forrest leading up to the evil Queen castle. She told the queen to stop what she was doing to the land. Then the queen captures her, Joanne tried to escape,  but she couldn't. Then she remebered she had had a Bobby pin in her hair, and she remebered that people in the movies use hair pins to escape cages, and locks. She used it and she unlocked the lock and stopped the evil queen. Then the queen said, I will  get my revenge one day no matter what!! Then she woke up and said u will never go back to that dream again!!!!!!!

To Be Continued....................
© Kristen Rhodes Makenzee,
книга «Candy lane».
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Shandana Khan
How to help
It sounds a bit like a barbie movie
2020-06-09 14:01:41
Shandana Khan
How to help
Loved it
2020-06-09 14:01:49