The beginning...
The orphanage...
A girl, Angel
What happened...
"well sadly"...
"she is very sick" the nurse came to tell her. "oh no! will she be ok!" Nicole asked. She knows what it feels like to lose a child. "I don't know" nurse said. A few minutes later they put her on a bed and rolled her into the ambulance. "Wait!" Nicole ran after the nurse. "plz! can I come with you. ...I know I only spent a few days with her but I feel a bond... plz can I come with you" Nicole teared up. "it seems you love this chld and I have one to and I know how it feels to feel like a worried mother so... yes." the nurse said. "ok...thank you so much." she got in the ambulance and looked at angel and saw the mask that gives her oxygen. She looked at her with a worried face. She feels like a mother. At the hospital she couldn't go into the emergency room. She waited countless hours as she saw various machines and doctors rushing in and out to save this child.
sorry for the short chapters!
© Soft kiri ,
книга «The Miricle Child».