The dream accomplished
The morning sickness
The slow recovery
Vomiting blood
The dream accomplished
Tanya was jumping with joy when the results came out for the medical entrance exam. She got a high rank in it, now she can be a doctor her only dream. She fished out her phone rang up Rohit "Honey I got first rank in medical" Rohit was elated at this "Congrats babe so let's go out for a treat " Tanya laughed "Of course let's meet tomorrow evening for a great treat from my behalf". Tanya went home hugged her parents with tears in her eyes touched their feet. Her parents proudly announced her results whoever asked. She made herself ready to face more challanges of interviews in hospitals. She had a dream of being most successful feme doctor in the country. She wanted to her parents all the females in the world proud that they are woman capable of many things. She  knew her boyfriend came from a conservative family where women were subordinate but she was not ready to accept it even if it meant leaving the person forever to fulfil her dream and make her parents proud and her country proud.

© Menkar Sadhukhan Sadhukhan,
книга «The Flying Dreams».
The morning sickness