01: Can't Sleep
02: Embarrassed
03: Shocked
04: Unexpected
02: Embarrassed
I was sitting on my bed hugging my legs. It's been twenty minutes, Taehyung was gone.

"Don't try to act as a wife." His these words were still echoing in my ears...

I was numb, it's just a sentence I thought.

"Why the heck is it affecting me so much?" I mumbled to myself.

Tears rolled down my cheeks and there I was without words clueless. My mind had stopped working.

Crying made me thirsty, I gazed at the water bottle which was on the dressing table. I stood up and took the bottle but the moment I took the bottle anger rushed through my veins.

How could he act so harshly to me?

While I was so soft and obedient all the time.


I had done nothing wrong still why was he so cold to me all the time?

Didn't he love me?

How could someone hurt the feelings of his loved one?

I could never even think about hurting Taehyung's feelings but he did it. He made me cry on the second day of our marriage and acted as if he didn't care.

How could he?

The grip of my palm around the bottle tightened as I gritted my teeth with rage filled eyes and without thinking a moment about my next action I threw the water bottle out of the window with full force.

Someone didn't felt right. I didn't heard the crashing sound of the bottle against the ground. As if he literally disappeared outside the window.

I rushed near the window with furrowed brows.

"What!?" My whole attention was now on the poor bottle.

The poor small bottle was struck on a tree which was right near my bedroom's window on a branch between leafs and was in no mood to fall down.

I felt as if some invisible thing tickled my stomach.

The situation was unbelievablely funny.

The bottle coincidentally got struck on a tree trunk which was funnier than I thought.

I tried to stop but an unwanted smile appeared on my face as I saw the poor condition of the bottle.

"Oh! My lucky bottle!" I chuckled.

Suddenly my sadness vanished. I no more felt that heavy pain in my heart that I was feeling past few minutes.

I lazily threw myself on the bed and smiling I hugged a pillow looking at the ceiling.

I started to remember my wedding. I could hear the laughter and chuckles of people. I smiled remembering their happy faces.

Suddenly my wedding photo on the dressing table drew my attention. I stared at Taehyung in the photo who was still smiling at me.

I started to think about him, his eyes, his lips. I felt so lucky to have such a beautiful husband.

Now I knew how it feels when someone was in love.

I stared at the wedding photo again and smiled. Then slowly I crawled down from my bed towards the photo.

Placing my arms on the table I rested my face on them, I stared at Taehyung in the photo.

Pointing my index finger towards Taehyung,

"Don't ignore me!" I ordered with a bit childish tone.

After staring at him for another two seconds I gave the framed photo of Taehyung dressed as a groom a sweet kiss.

Tears were still visible on my eyes but I was smiling which made me look rather cute.


"Which one should I wear black or peach?" I asked myself showing both of my frocks to my reflection on the mirror.

"Ummm I choose black. My favorite." I smiled.

"Oh! It's already six thirty, I should hurry." Looking at the wall clock I hurried.

"Mrs. Lee I'm going out. I'll come at home before ten." I said to our housemaid.

"Oh! It's so sweet of you to inform me. " The old lady smiled. "Where are you going?"

"Nothing special. A walk in the park maybe. I actually don't know much about this place." I tried a smile. The area where we lived was only for rich people which was totally unknown to me.

"Oh! Then I'm saying that you should go to the new mall built nearby. What's it's named, I can't remember. J-J-JJK! JJK!" She suggested with a kind wrinkled smile.


"Yes. It's a big shopping mall. You will love it. You should go there."

"Okay!" I sweetly smiled.


"Thank God I have brought the car. The mall is much far in distance than I thought." I thought looking at the big building.

The building was painted silver and a large board was placed on it's centre.

"JJK." I spelled the name with a fascinating tone imprinted in black on a large gold colored board.

I was surprised cause I had never seen such a big mall in my life.

It was an expensive place for expensive people. A normal person couldn't afford it.

After parking my black Bugatti in the parking lot I walked to the entrance. I couldn't wait to look inside.

I was so excited.

The mall was of three or four floor tall and was decorated with numerous lights.

In the entrance there was a maroon carpet on the floor and the door was automatic so as I took a step closer to it, the door automatically opened and I didn't know why but felt special for some unknown reason.

In the mall, there were various shops for clothes, electronics, furniture etc. I was fascinated by the mall.

Rich people everywhere. Wearing expensive shiny high quality clothes, with perfect makeups, perfect hair and beautiful perfect faces and literally every person even if dressing soberly were wearing atleast one gold or platinum ornament. Some were even wearing fashionable medium size hats which we normally wear at a sunny afternoon and glasses... At evening leaving me amazed. Uff... The so called trend.

"Woah!" The newly polished floor was slippery which I didn't notice because I busy looking at the expensive humans and was about to fall but balanced myself by a wall.

I visited a number of shops, "Wow really!" I glanced twice at the price of a dress, "Are you kidding me?" I thought.

I loved the dress but it was expensive.

"Should I buy it or not?" I asked myself in my mind. "No need. I have plenty of dresses in the house much more beautiful than this one." I thought and left the dress.

But the dark chocolate colored skater dress had already stolen my heart. I loved it but it was just too expensive and I kept looking back at the dress from a distance and my heart sank when I saw a couple bought that.

I was sad and was missing the dress a lot. To draw my attention away from the dress I dragged myself to a nearby bakery shop in the mall.

The bakery shop a bit crowded and there were sitting chairs and resting places beside and above it.

"One dark forest please."

I bought my favorite pastry and occupying a blank seat ate it with grief, thinking about the dress.

When I was done, while returning I saw that-

"What! Yes! Yes! Yes!" I said rushing towards the working girl who was putting a dark chocolate skater dress on the dummy.

"I'll buy it." I said to the working girl pointing at the dress, my face shining brightly with a full cheek to cheek smile.

"80000 wons please."


"Cash or card?"

"Card." I said and passed my Debit card to the cashier.

"Here we go." The cashier handed me the dress along with the receipt.

I smiled from inside.

"At least there is an advantage of being the wife of a billionaire." I thought smiling while passing by some shops.


"It's nine thirty. I should go." I thought glancing at my Swiss watch.

I was struggling with my shopping bags. I had bought some dresses, shoes, books and some gifts for my parents but still, it was a lot of stuff.

I made my way through the elevator towards the exit door on the ground floor.

"I don't think I have bought too much stuff." I thought.

"1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6! Wow!" I was surprised after counting the shopping bags.

Everything was happening right and I was enjoying every moment.

But between all this enjoyment I totally forgot the fact that the floor was slippery as suddenly one of my heels slipped and before I could understand the situation I lost my balance and fell with my ass crashing against the hard floor.

My face became red and eyes widened with embarrassment.

I was struggling to stand but failed. My ass hurted and mind was unable to work correctly. I could feel people giving me some uneasy, confused or smiling glaces.

Suddenly a guy rushed from somewhere to me.

That black haired guy holding my arms at once pulled me up and made me stand without much problem.

"Are you okay Miss?" The black haired guy asked, he was well dressed and one could notice his muscled arms through his dark brown coat.

"Yeah! I'm okay, thank you for helping me." I smiled hiding my embarrassment and the guy smiled in return showing his bunny like teeth.

He had round almond like eyes and a round face, his lower lip was thicker while his upper lip was thin.

I struggled to take my shopping bags, my cheeks were red with embarrassment. I felt stressed and was in a hurry to run away from this embarrassing situation and cause of this some bags fell down.

I bit my tongue lightly mentally slapping myself.

The black haired guy leaned down and took the bags.

"Let me help you Miss!" He said.

"N-n-no no it's okay-y."

"No no you don't worry. You're having problem to carry those bags. Let me help you, Miss!" The guy insisted with an assuring smile.

"O-okay!" I said with a tone of hesitation giving up and tried a smile.

The guy started to walk along with me towards the exit.

"Miss are you going by car or shall I call a taxi for you?"

"No thanks, I'm going by car." I smiled a bit and tried to hide my hesitation and embarrassment while my heart raced.

"Okay!" He said. He was wearing piercings and rings. He looked stylish and smart.

Along with the guy went I towards my Bugatti. The guy placed the bags in the backseat of my car.

"Thanks a lot for helping me." I said with a wide grateful smile on my face and bowed.

"Oh! It's okay, my pleasure." That guy also bowed in return smiling brightly.

I sat on my car.

"Okay! Thank you! And good night!" I smiled.

"Good night." He nodded in return and said with a bit serious tone.

I drove off.

While returning home for a second the guy's face appeared before my eyes and I thought

"He was cute."

Author's Note^^

Hope I explained every scene clearly...❤

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Kelen Amnel
02: Embarrassed
My english is so bad, but I understand what you write, you way to write is so easy, you explain every scene very clearly,don't worry about that, I like this.
2019-03-04 17:09:28