History of faculty and distribution!!!
История факультета и распределенение!!!
History of faculty and distribution!!!
The second faculty of Phoenix Academy got its name from the Bird-Thunder! This is the ability of brave adventurers! This faculty can count those students who have strength, kindness, a desire for adventure, care for magical creatures and beasts, love of travel, courage, and a huge heart! They will be taken into account for seven years. All the subjects that they will study will be needed in the future!
The distribution is conducted by the Sea Queen!!!
The distribution takes place in the "Huge Hall" of the "Phoenix Academy"!!!
Freshmen travel from Sydney on the  water train "Phoenix Academy Express" to Hogsterr Station, and from there to the Academy only on dragons!!!

General information about the second faculty:
~✓~Founders: The Salamander brothers Newt (and his wife Porpentina) and Theseus at the insistence of Albus Dumbledore!
~✓~Mascot (familiar) of the faculty: Thunder Bird!
~✓~The coat of arms of the second faculty with the image of a Bird-Thunder and Storm!
~✓~Stone: "Rock crystal"!
~✓~Flower: Lavender!
~✓~Element: Air (and thunder)!
~✓~Time of day: Morning (preferred)!
~✓~Metal: Platinum!
The second Dean of the faculty Professor Logan - (Kayla Logan) - https://www.surgebook.com/_kayla_logan_

*All classes at the academy with the morning and  afternoon!!!
© Phoenix Academy,
книга «The second faculty - "Bird-Thunder" - второй факультет - "Птица-Гром"!!!».
История факультета и распределенение!!!