Outside of the house
Love at first sight
Love at first sight
Chapter : 2

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[ Taehyung POV ]

Taehyung : OK Mom Bye .......


I know
I made my Mom cry ..
She was trying to hide her
tears from me ..

But she couldn't ..
I'm now a little bit sad
but I'm also happy ..

Now I can enjoy
the views of Out side ...

I will make up to my mom
when I get back at home ..

I should buy some sweets
for her ..

She love sweets ..


[ Third Person ]


Taehyung walked
down to his block
and found a lot of Stores .
When he was walking
he passed a CD Store ,

And looked through
the front Door for a second as he walked ..

When He realized he saw something ,
he stopped and
went back to look into
the store ..

He saw a young girl
about his age ..
He thought
he saw an Angele ,
the most beautiful person
in the world ...

He couldn't stop himself
from starring
in that girls face ...

And from that time
he knew
it was love at
First Sight ...

Which he was looking
for so long now ..

He always heard and
Liston to his Hyungs
(A/N:By Hyungs it means Jin,Namjoon & Suga)
talking about their
love at first sight .

And they would tell him
how they fell in love ..
But he didn't only wanted to
hear them,
But he also wanted to feel that feeling ..

His hyung (Jin)
told him that
Love at first sight
is a personal experience
and a common trope in literature ..

When a person
feels an instant, extreme,
and ultimately
long lasting romantic
for a stranger
upon the first sight
of that stranger
is called love at first sight..

And right now
Taehyung was feeling the
same attraction towards
the unknown girl

He never felt this
way before ..
He thought


"I think this is how it feels to be in love".
" I think this is why its called love at first sight "..
"It feels really weird but also happy at the same time" .


Taehyung Opened the door
and walked in inside
of the store ,
not looking at anything
else but her ..

He walk Closer and
closer until
he was finally at the front
desk where she sat ....


[ To be continued ]


Ha ha ha .. I was just joking


[ Taehyung POV ]


"Wow,I think she is an Angele" ..
"I guise I should go inside "...
"Oh my why is she so cute "myself

I was asking myself
so many questions ..
I was thinking about so many things ,
By that time ,

I got inside the CD Store ...
To see her properly
I got closer and closer ..
I didn't even notice how
close I was ..

I was in front of
her desk .
where she is
sitting now.

She rows her head & Body
to look at me ...
She looked so cute ..
She was forming her mouth
to say something ...

She looked up and asked..

" Umm Can I help you" ??


[ Third Pearson ]


" Umm Can I help you"??

The girl smiled and
he thought
it was the most
beautiful smile
he has ever seen Before ...



A.N : I Guys ..
I'm back again hope you like the story ...
And yeah sorry for all this
It took all lot time to update this chapter .. And I know this is super cheesy sorry but please bare with me ..
Bye everyone ...😊😊😊😊


Story Words : 604

© Jeon jung Naomi,
книга «First love to the last Clover || KTH».
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Cheyanne Jones
Love at first sight
Hey, you said you needed help with the English language. I can help.
2018-08-07 02:33:33