Who are you?
Who are you?
Let me ask you a question, tell me 'who are you?' Its a very simple question, isn't it? but at the same time it is a very complex question as it is quiet difficult as it seems to find the answers.

There are many theories put forward by many people about who they are. Its their own way to justify their answers towards this question. Some says, 'Your true character is defined by your behavior, the one where you are all alone and no one is watching you.' Other says, ' Your karma defines who you are.'

To be honest, I don't deny these answers completely as these answers are somewhat true. But to me, they are not much justifying. Everyone has their own way of thinking and mine is quiet different.

The first thought that comes to your mind, either its good or bad when someone ask something from you, or suppose you see your enemy infront of you. What would be the first thought that crosses your mind in that very same moment?

When you meet your favorite person, your eyes automatically brighten up and you feel the happiness like never before when you see him or her in the first two seconds. But, if you meet the person you don't like or someone who put negative impact in your life then it is obvious that as soon as you see them you gonna feel something completely different than happiness. At that moment the thought that would arise in your mind, is the real you.

Let me put forward an another example to make it easy to understand it a bit more. Suppose someone ask you to lend him or her your mobile phone for an entire day. What would you do then? Would you lend him or her your phone where you have preserved your most valuable data? Well I am sure you would not unless he or she is someone closer to you and whom you could trust completely. So, when they ask you to do something for them, the first thought that comes to your mind defines your true character.

Yep! this is the real you, the thought that subconsciously crosses your mind in that very same moment defines your true nature. As this is a natural phenomena which happens in your subconscious mind so you cannot simply stop it. This is something I believe no one can control no matter how powerful their mind is.

So next time if such a question arises in your mind then just observe your mind for only two seconds. What it thinks the moment you see or meet someone, or the moment someone ask you to do something for them. I am pretty much sure you will find your answer then.
© Rodney Kanher,
книга «Who are you?».
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Показати всі коментарі (4)
Valour And Faith
Who are you?
Superb thought Aman bhai ✌
2020-07-03 19:46:28
Who are you?
Oow, I like the way you think!
2020-10-10 10:29:21
Rodney Kanher
Who are you?
@Elvalith thanks a lot 🤗🤗
2020-10-11 11:47:52