It was the new moon day and Gentle was afraid because  he saw  about  a minacious  creese  in television.  That  in a haunted  forest   this  sword is present.  Who entered  to the   that  person  will  never  back.

Gentle  never believe  the story  of sword .So he  wanted  to go to the  forest  and    prove  that  there  is  no ghost.
so I ( Gentle)  told   to my friends  about it.  And  3 of  my best  friends  agreed   with  me .Then we prepared  for journey  to  the  forest.

I carried  a camera  with me  who recorded  everything , what  happen in the  forest . we are  went to the forest .  At the middle of the path  the  milage of  car suddenly  increased. After  2 minute  we reached at the forest.
when we entered to the forest the  time  was 5pm  and we thought  someone   follow  to us .By the  help of map we  went  towards  the place  of   sword .

Ankit- Gentle  stop .

why Ankit  ? I said  .
  Satya  -  stop stop  Gentle  .look  here  Cardavareous .

oh no ! 😨 I said.
Ankit  -  According  to the  map  we have  to go to  east  direction.
And then  we went  towards east  .And the  time was  12 o'clock .

We are  now  came  near to the  sword  area .And  took rest  at that  place. 
And  after  10 minute  we  started  walking .But  nothing was happening  suddenly.
But  after  a few minutes  Satya  cryied  , help  me  , help  me   Gentle.  Something  capture  me  ( Satya  said  )
when  we move towards  Satya  a root  capture  him .And a sword  came  suddenly  and   cut  the  neck  of  Satya.
But  the  sword  did not attack  Ankit  and  me . Suddenly  someone  is  coming  .So we hide behind  a tree.
we saw  that the  unknown  took  the  heart  of  Satya  and  left  his body  there .
Ankit  - Gentle  look there a switch   where  Satya  put his leg.
OMG I clear that  it is not the work of any creese.  But it is the work of a human.
ANKIT-  When Satya  put his leg on switch security  alaram alert   and the  root cut  Satya   and the sword kill Satya  . But I think  who are the  persons ?
Gentle  - No problem.  we get  some  clue.
Ankit  - Now  we have to   keep   each  step  carefully.
yes I said.
And  after that we reached  at the  place of sword.
we saw  there is a  house.   we entered  the  house  secretly  .My mind  did not  work  .  A person  kill  others  and  sold  their body  parts. Now  I  confirm  about the  story of sword.

The  unknown  person  know  that  we are  came there .And  they attack   us .But  at  time  Satya  came  and  fought with them.
At least  we could  arrest  them at the  last  phase.
Ankit  - But  Gentle  how  Satya  is came  here ? He was already  dead  na .
He was the  ghost  of  Satya  .I said.
Ankit  - what! OMG ! 😨
Gentle- No no don't  fear I am just  joking  😁😁.Actually  he was Satya  .And  the  dead  body  was Robert  of Satya 😁😊.Actually  Satya' s  Robert  was  came  with  us not  Satya.
Ankit  - oh 😮😮
Gentle  - But  from  the  beginning  I  was  know  all  trap of the  forest.

Ankit  - How?
Gentle- Because  one  of my friend was  came to the forest.  And he  became  caught in the  trap.  But  he  record  everything in his camera  .For  which   we came  here safely and  solved the  mystery.

(Because   we are  the  detective  everything  possible  for us. ) Both are said.

THE END.....
© Valour And Faith,
книга «My imagination».