1. An abyss in the fog.
2. Horror and fear.
1. An abyss in the fog.
     An abyss in the fog. I was always afraid of that. The fog gave me such a strange and unknown feeling. Feelings of fear and anxiety.
Fear of the unknown. It was probably one of the things that scared me the most. Then it became clear to me that this was not the same fear at all.
  This is exactly what you can not see with the naked eye, you can only feel for yourself. When in one day of overcoming. And so, you get up and start looking for a way out of it. You wander, going further and further into the depths, noticing only that you are only more and more confused in it. All you wander in the hope that someday they will go to look for you with search teams and dogs, that sooner or later they will help you get out of their foggy abyss. Slowly fading inside the hope that one day a distant light will light up, that you will be found. But at the same time, you only hear the brutal silence that breaks your head from the inside. You listen, trying to recognize a single saving human voice in this emptiness. But there is no way out, just as there is no way out. 
книга «In anticipation of a nightmare.».
2. Horror and fear.