So damn hard.
So damn hard.

It's hard.
So damn hard.

Waking up every, single day in this damn apartment, feeling like the walls are going to shrink and crush me.

Feeling Smothered, weak, fragile and delicate.
No golden, happy sun raise.
No, Just a tiny piece of glass that some call 'window'. It's held by an old wall, which might fall at any second. Leaving my room wider.

It feels pathetic at times. I don't know why, I mean I should be used to it by now.

Maybe it's the fact that I still have hope, hope that everything is just a bad dream. An awful one.

That's why I keep reminding myself to keep going, to move on, to forget.

Silly me huh?. You see that's the problem. I'm way too innocent, I don't accept to lose. Yet to get a trauma, a shock..

and not just one.

Things kept coming at me... I was the net and disasters were the fish.
Except I didnt choose to be one nor have them.

It's sickening. dealing with life everyday alone.

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книга «Thoughts».
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So damn hard.
I like it
2020-07-23 19:32:07