Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Valor sat a few paces from Aspen, his pregnant mate. She was snoring quietly. Valor shivered, word was spreading of a pack. He tried to keep his mate safe but The Pack was always right behind them, wreaking havoc as they went. Their leader, Bane was turning up all of Kismetarlind searching for the Banarr Stone. Few knew of Bane’s want for the Banarr Stone. One of that few was Valor. Valor knew little but to some, he knew a lot.  Bane’s fate was tied to the stone like a tree in the ground. If Bane could get the stone he would live forever, unless some other cat killed him.

Valor glanced back at his mate. His thoughts raced. Aspen would have her kits soon and Valor still had not found a place of safety and refuge. He admitted to himself of his growing fear. Every single day Aspen grew closer to kitting and yet no place was safe from The Pack. They had to be stopped. But who would be brave enough to? Valor got up and walked over to Aspen and laid down next to her. After his thoughts calmed, he drifted into a restless sleep.

Valor woke with a start. The crumbling building that he and his mate were in was silent… too quiet. The bushes shuffled softly outside. Valor saw a shadow. Which looked a lot like a cat. Valor woke up Aspen and motioned that she should be quiet. Her eyes filled with fear, she leaned into Valor.

A dark shadow slunk out of the bushes… followed by many others. Valor turned to his mate. She glanced desperately at him. They both knew the shadows were The Pack, and they were about to attack them. Valor knew what he had to do. “ Run. Don’t look back. “ Valor meowed softly. Aspen shook her head. “ I will find you again, whether it is here or up there. “ They both glanced nervously up to the sky. “ I will find you up there in the Paradise… with him. “ Aspen nodded. She started to back toward the nearest crumbling window.

“ I love you. “ Aspen’s whisper was faint but hearable. She lightly touched her paw to her forehead. This was the sign of farewell and love. Valor nodded and did the same back.

“ I love you too. And our kits. Tell them about me. “ Valor mewed back. The Pack was getting closer. “ Go. Go before there is no time left. “ Aspen turned, scrambled out of the window and fled. Valor turned to face the enemy. By now, The Pack was close enough to smell them. They reeked of blood… and death. Valor crouched. If he could kill Bane, everyone would be at peace again.

“ I saw your mate leave. “ A high malicious yowl filled the air. “ I sent two of my pack after her. “ A sense of horror and dread shot through him like a lightning bolt. Valor thought quickly. He sank to ground as if in anguish. Valor glanced up and saw Bane’s expresion turned to delight that his target was defenseless… or so he thought. Instead of the fear and dread Valor thought he would have had, He felt courage coursing through his veins.

Bane stalked over to him. The rest of The Pack was outside. Valor could smell them all. Except for the two that went after Aspen. She was clever she would know what to do. When Bane was practically standing over him. He leaned down to whisper in Valor’s ears. “ When I obtain that stone, I will rule all. “ Bane’s claws glinted in the moonlight. He saw Bane raise his paw for the death blow, but Valor whirled up and faced his enemy head on. His claws struck flesh and tore down. He had hit the face of the horrible creature. Bane yowled in pain. A small grey tabby female leaped into the old rune to help.

“ Ah Fear, my sister, so glad to see you. “ Bane’s teeth gritted through pain. The tabby turned to Bane. Half her ear was missing. She said nothing and clawed Valor’s back. He felt nothing except bravery. He whirled and clawed and bit. Until he felt two sets of paws holding him down.

“ You will never win. Someone will stop you. Someone will stand up to you. “ Valor growled aggressively. Bane bit Valor’s neck and he fell lifeless to the ground.

“ Is he dead? “ Fear rasped, sounding disgusted. She prodded his lifeless body.

“ Yes, He is. Come to think of it he might have been a good packmate. Strong fighter, fearless, but he was not on our side sadly. “ Bane laughed. He was most definitely not sad.
© Arin lee ,
книга «The Stones of Kismetarlind».