Loving you is like this
XO #1
I thought I'd notice poetry when it walked through the door
Ragged clothes
Porcelain skin
Violet hair
And violent hands.
I thought I'd see a nice thing.
But for an appearance that's always changing,
Beautiful poetry has never told me,
"This that type love."
"Or I'll date myself until I came along better."
Vengeful poetry has never told me grass is grass and leaves are leaves and trees are exactly what they are meant to be.
Well I thought I'd notice that song when it met my heart.
I thought deaf would learn sight
And lord have I learned.
Poetry is a gorgeous forgiving face and poetry
Is a blade of grass growing through concrete,
Leaves dying red,
Trees with the blues,

Poetry is a stranger.
© Donny,
книга «Thoughts of a drowning poet».