Anee Limbu
2021-01-05 16:47:34
Новини, Цікаве, Думки вголос
All great books have one things in common. Thousands of full -stops!
But is that what makes them great?!
Or it is what happens between the
In the story of our life, like in any other great story, there will be 1000s of full-stop.
Relationship that doesn't work.
Friends that drifted away.
Collage life that gets over.
Projects we discarded.
Job we quit.
People we lost.
TV shows that ended.
Books we finished.
Trips we came back from.
The last drag.
The last sip.
The last bite.
All of them, full-stops.
We are the authors of our life...and no author can escape the full-stops.
But we can write our own sentences. And it is the sentence that makes the story, not the full-stops.