Always Fear.... ;)
Get Into
Can't Trust
Socialising Terror
The Truth About Me
Amongst The Crowd
My Hero
The Bitter Truth
Mother's Diary Addiction
Evidenced Classified
My siblings
Get Into
When you think your right, your wrong!
When your sad, there is something that makes you happy,
When you doubt yourself, you believe in yourself!

I am just texting Olivia:
hey olivs @Chantelle
What's up hun too exhausted to talk @Olivia
Well I was thinking that I need to go to a special place and can you
give me a makeover?😑 @Chantelle
Yeah...Anyways can you give me a makeover on Saturday at 6pm because I'm hosting a party and your invited only bring popular kids! @Chantelle #unpopularallergic

Yeah OK! @Olivia
So I am just gonna text Tom now my personal and best friend in the whole world who actually understands me:

Hey,T @Chantelle
Hey,C what's up? @Tom Manners
I have a party what games should I allow? @Chantelle
Ummm....truth or dare?? @Tom Manners
Yeah thanks T, what can I do without you,your so much better than when I have "girl talk" with Olivia @Chantelle
Dang sorry for ya 😆 @Tom Manners

I have texted at least 28 of my friends that's just quarter of my friends! And lemme show you one of the CRAZIEST  text I got today!:

Hey BuNnY! @Aby
What the...did you go to another party?😧 @Chantelle
I will never tell HuNnY @Aby
Who are you taking to the dance? @Aby
Why does everyone ask that TBH I don't care about this dance! @Chantelle sorry I asked @Aby
I was drinking again@Aby
Honestly, I was gonna invite you to my party but now
I know you can't handle yourself at parties sorry😧 @Chantelle

Then seriously now I have now texted 27 friends and one random person....
Hey..😳 @Tom Manners
Yeah what's up T? @Chantelle
Will you go to the summer dance with me please? @Tom Manners
Oh...😤my Lord Tom I didn't know...@Chantelle
it's ok honestly ttyl 😢 @Tom Manners

And that was ... CRAZY!!
I went to Tom's house and he was probably prank calling he sat there, he was stroking his hair.
© Praise Okpanefe,
книга «The Girl Who Gets Into Trouble».