Helen Silver
2018-01-29 16:35:47
Love yourself
Новини, Думки вголос, Цікаве
Hi, it's me, again. Now I want to tell you a little story of my life.
I always been searching the model of behave I need to use. I was tried and tried, but nothing was been MINE, you know? I been a cool girl whom trows partyes, sociofob serial-girl and a lot of models.
I had friends, loved people and was been loved. I thought it is thing worth for life. And I thought this is the sentre of my life forever. But it not. Friends gone, people dead.
Everything is temporarily.
And you too. Life to short to be sad. To short to care of someone more, than care about yourself. Just remember it - you don't need to change a model of behave to something not your to be liked of people.
Your Helen.