Cookies are my life
So What if it's broke I'm still doing this
Tin foil hats
Mini prompts part 1
Mini prompts part 2
So What if it's broke I'm still doing this
“Didn’t you learn your lesson last time?” Lily stood on the roof next to Gajeel.

“Obviously I didn’t”

“Clearly” Lily crossed his arms as Gajeel looked over the edge of the guild roof, at the pool below. “You still have a cast on your arm, and Wendy won’t be back until next week Gajeel, this is a bad idea!”

“I don’t care if my arm is broken I’m still doing it” Gajeel eyed the blue-haired woman below next to the pool wearing a revealing red and white striped swimsuit.

“Natsu is rubbing off on you, this is stupid, I’m not going to sit here and watch you hit the concrete again.”

“My arm was the only thing that hit last time, now I know to get a better running start”

“Whatever” Lily flew down to sit next to Levy by the pool.

“CANNON BALL!” Gajeel yelled as he launched himself off the three story roof.

“Not again!” Levy closed her eyes, waiting for the shock wave of Gajeel hitting the pavement. Instead both her and Lily were drenched in a massive tidal wave as Gajeel sunk to the bottom of the pool.

“Gihee, see Lily told you!”

“IDIOT!” Levy and Lily both screamed in unison.

© ironfairy88,
книга «Gajevy one shots».
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Soft kiri
So What if it's broke I'm still doing this
"Natsu's rubbing off on you this is stupid" the sentence of truth
2018-08-27 17:03:18