The Tollbooth
Informally Formal
In the Dark
A walk in the park
The Tollbooth
Chapter One: The Tollbooth

“How much longer?” Miyazaki asked with a tone of discontent.

Captain Hirota lazily looked over to her from the captains chair to the helm where Miyazaki sat with her head slumped over the controls. “They are doing a full inspection on the Kikaku, she is only two ships ahead of us, after that we will pay the toll and be underway.” Hirota replied. “Yeah, well we haven’t moved an inch in over two hours! I am sick of the waiting!” Miya exclaimed as she jumped up from her chair at the helm and started pacing around the bridge. “You should be more like Rai, he’s got the right idea” Hirota suggested pointing to Rai who was fast asleep at his station. “Move it people!!” Miya yelled through the forward windows ignoring the Captain's suggestion.

    The Shusake was one of many intrastellar cargo ships that had a dedicated route from Earth to one of the mining colonies at or around Mars. Before leaving Earth’s orbit to begin its (on average) two week journey to the Mars system, each ship is required to go through a toll booth which can, at random, require a full stem to stern inspection. The crew has lovingly nicknamed The Shusake: Shoebox.

    Shoebox has a crew complement of 32 which is typically below average for a space vessel of her size. It is over 450 meters long and can carry a large amount of cargo ranging from mining equipment, to food and supplies, as well as pre-built living quarters for the miners. The bridge crew only consist of Captain Hirota, Helmsman Miyazaki Amari, and first officer Rai Yutaka. The bridge is very spacious for only three crew members and the forward windows allow for great viewing area. A projector sits mounted to the roof of the bridge and illuminates the windows with an artificial course as well as speed and communication data. The rest of the crew resides on the lower decks and their duties consist of engineering and custodial. There is also the cook. Kuga Mutsuhito is the oldest member of the Shusake. He is best known for his “surprise dinner”, a barely edible meal that may contain door hinge grease, and wiggles without touching it.

A voice came over the loudspeakers in the bridge “Control to Shusake?”

Rai woke up instantly and replied “Shusake here, go ahead control” as if he hadn't been sleeping for the past two hours. “The inspection is complete on the Kikaku, spool up your engines, we have your release and the company has paid the toll.” The controller instructed. “Roger that” Rai replied to the controller while simultaneously flipping switches on his digital workstation to illuminate cabin and exterior lights. Rai then switched his microphone channel to an all ship intercom: “Crew, light the candles and prepare for departure.” Rai then switched off the intercom and looked to Miya who was sitting back at the helm waiting for orders. “Miya, plot your course to Phobos and prepare to disengage the laser moorings.” “Yes sir!” Miya replied. She had an unusual way of being more insuborate to Captain Hirota and following Rai’s orders to the letter. “Captain, we have green lights across the board and are ready at your command.” Rai reported. “Good job Rai, take us through Miya” The captain ordered.

    The ship came to life and started moving forward. On the lower decks the crew started working on load checks and engine status reports. Shoebox had four massive engines that produced a very low-pitched hum while at full throttle. A kind of hum that the crew grows to miss when they are on shore leave back on Earth.

    “Control to Shusake, safe journey. We will see you on the return trip”

“Thank you, Shusake out” The captain replied to the controller. Other than some light and sporadic ship-to-ship traffic, this would be the last transmission for the Shuake on its Journey  unless there was an emergency. “Rai, I have a headache, I will be in my quarters. You have the bridge” The captain told Rai while getting up out of his chair. “Yes sir.” Rai said concerned as he moved from his station to the captain's position. “Let me know if you need anything” “Thanks Rai, I think some sleep will do the trick.” The captain smiled and turned toward the bridge elevator which automatically opened up as he approached.

    “Well that's unusual.” Miya said to Rai referring to the Captain leaving the bridge, as he practically lives there. “Very unusual. Engage the autopilot and gather the Engine reports for me Miya” “Yes sir.”

    A few hours has passed and the entire crew is working earning their paychecks. Except the Captain who has resigned to his quarters. Rai had given command of the bridge to Miya, so  that he could travel down to engineering to ask the chief engineer a question about the Engine Reports. He approached the elevator and as the doors closed he verbally said deck four. The AI in the elevator responded with “Acknowledged, Deck four Engineering.”


    The door opened and revealed a brightly lit and clean engine room. Rai walked over to Hayashi, the chief engineer. “Yash, do you have a second?” Rai asked talking over the noise of the engines. “Yes sir” Hayashi replied. “Number three engine was showing a 4.4 second delay in ignition sequence. Any ideas?” Rai asked. “I noticed that as well sir, I think one of our injector relays is sticking, I am running a diagnostic. If I need to, I will put an order for one when we get to port.” Hayashi reported. “Very good” Rai said as he was turning around to leave. “How's the captain?” Hayashi asked Rai right before he got on the elevator. Rai turned around confused as to how Hayashi could have known about Hirotas headache, when Hayashi should have been at his station when the captain was going to his quarters on the second deck. “What do you mean?” Rai asked. “Well, Cap came down here right after departure, looked around for a few minutes, told me he had a headache and left. It was very weird, ya know?” “Let me know when you get that diagnostic report back” Rai said as he turned back around to get in the elevator. “Deck Two” Rai ordered the elevator
© ironfairy88,
книга «The Shoebox».
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The Tollbooth
Wow this is going well so far (Can you please make the chapters shorter) it's so you can have more chapters thank you
2018-09-18 01:46:06