Chapter 1 Clarifying Intentions
Chapter 1 Clarifying Intentions
The typical signs of a bias or subtly manipulative person is where they give you the option to make you're own choice in a conversation or given event but have preset expectations of what they want your answer to be. Leaving the impression that they don't care either way by giving you certain subtle social ques through their own indirect answers & suggestive body language. Such body language is represented as over asserted eye contact with wide eyelids & a lifted brow which manipulative people have come to learn as a commonly used tick for people telling the truth in accordance with psychology. Manipulative people have practiced themselves to become nearly perfect at misrepresenting their pattern of speech as well as their body language. Amongst a few other patterns of behavior of the manipulative people are as follows.
• Taking advantage of your inability to pay attention for long periods of time
• Avoiding the original topic of a conversation & distracting you with other topics that are relevantly similar in nature
• The assertion that you are keenly aware of their confidence/appearing over confident
• Using natural disturbances I.e: spilling a glass of water on purpose ect.
•Aviodance of answering questions directly
•Apologizing, waiting for the situation to settle down & then doing it again
• Telling you one thing with words then doing the exact opposite with actions
• Using your materialistic desires as a form of distraction
• Constantly asking if you are okay when they could care less
I:e (asking if you are okay & then instantaneously switch to talking about themselves or placing their attention elsewhere before you can give them a valid response)
• Being extremely rude & trying to pass it off like they were just kidding but then when they are actually kidding & you are aware that it's a joke it feels less offensive verifying the indifference
• Gaslighting Making you question your own sanity
• guilt tripping
• Constantly demanding that you prove yourself yet expecting you to just trust their decisions
• Subjugation & domination
• Using emotionally sensitive topics in order to get pity such as the passing of loved ones
• Using passive aggressiveness as a form of communication
• Playing the role of the victim & using your sensitive & caring nature to get their way
• Being incredibly generous and giving to you everything you could need or ask for so that every kind deed can be kept track of like a debt & brought up at a later date in order to guilt trip you
• Emotional blackmail
• Sabotage in all forms
• Acting out in physical violence when they don't get their way
• Verbal abuse/name calling
• Intimidation, fear & threats of hostility
• Ignoring that you even exist
• They constantly interrupt or talk over you & no matter what you say they are already addressed as being right
• You analyze their pattern of behavior & a larger portion of your interactions & communication is time spent with them telling you what to do or talking about themselves
• Recycled small talk that is  used in the same exact way in the same exact sentences everyday so they don't slip up and tell you something they were hiding such as intentions
• Fear they will try to make you afraid to speak out against them or sometimes to even speak at all.
• When you say something particular & elaborate they take your words out of context rearranging them to suit their favor.
• They are always putting you down & telling you that your aims are impossible
• They Don't Want You To Know your own capabilities or potential
• They force you to agree with everything they say
• They want intensely for you to see them as your superiors and will do whatever it takes to get you to see them as better than you or smarter than you in every way
• They over react to commonplace problems & somehow try to involve you into it even if you haven't had any part in it whatsoever
•They almost always come off as threatening except for those manipulative individuals who choose to be more passive aggressive
• They will act one way in front of you in a private setting such as angry, manipulative, snide, or grumpy & another way entirely in front of other people such as civil, respectable, kind or trustworthy in order to leave what their minds perceive as a "good impression" for strangers & professionals
• They criticize & complain about everything that you do no matter what it is. Even if you are merely sleeping or resting. Regardless of their own actions even when they do & most especially when they do the same thing as you
• They will pass off their everyday responsibilities onto you & expect you to fill their share of the said responsibilities even after you have completed

• A manipulative person avoids responsibilities by placing the blame of their own actions & conduct on someone else
•Personalized attacks on the things you or people you care for most
•They will use criticism to belittle you
• Bullying
• Manipulative people do not understand the concept of boundaries
•They will crowd your space physically, emotionally, psychologically, or even spiritually
•They prey on our sensibilities, emotional sensitivities & especially our
• They give off an entrancing & almost too good to be true first impression & then slowly regress back into their manipulative state of living
• They use intrigue, rivalry & jealousy as tools for creating disharmony & confusion
•They aim to change you in every way to become just as miserable as they must be whether it be outwardly appearance or internal virtues
• They will always be a sneaky & sly people who will lie, cheat, steal & do practically anything from their obsession for controlling other people by any means necessary
\\By reading this book you can educate yourself to all of the twisted schemes of manipulative people & see the truth in clarity for what it is, always has been, & always will be. If I have it my way none will ever have to be manipulated ever again. The choice is ultimately left up to you the reader.

© Derek Lee,
книга «The Philosophy of Psychology In Truth».