Listen to me, land rats!
I'm a pirate, my place at sea,
I'm not a servant, a rat, a scum.
Fear the captain's wrath.
On Board my alcohol and gold,
I keep kings at Bay,
Over my head a solid reward,
But who wins? Ha ha ha!
I found captain Hook's treasure.,
Friendship I lead with a blue beard,
I can't be defeated by a common man.
I'm Captain Jack Sparrow!
احيانا اتسائل لما لازلنا معا رغم كل الشجارات والمشاكل التي بيننا رغم الصراخ والخصام حين افكر بالامر اجد انه خطأي مع ذلك انت من يعتذر..... انا اسفة لاني ازعجك طوال الوقت لكني احبك حقا ❤