The Sign
The Fire
The Dream
The Decision
The Sign
Moon, a light silver she-wolf, stared into the forest with only the light of the moon that made the forest look beautiful, but also dark and mysterious. She wondered what was beyond her cage. She was born in the wild, but when she was a pup her mother killed by hunters and she was taken to the grey wolf sanctuary.
   As she dreamed of running free she dosed off to a dreamless sleep. Waking to human pups chasing eachother with sticks in the pink light of dawn with their mother watching from a distance. Since she was already awake "might as well get some food." she told herself, as she dragged her body to her paws.
   Once Moon had trotted to the food bowl and grabbed a steak from it, then went to eat next to the fence. As she went to take a bit out of the steak she saw a dark grey male looking at her. As they stared into eachother's eyes he whispered to Moon "Come run with me.". Suddenly he ran through the fence surrounding the sanctuary and into the forest.
   Moon couldn't believe her eyes, "Did that really happen?" she thought. She brushed the thought aside, and continued to eat. Later that day, Moon and her mate, Night a black male, was sunbathing on a flat rock structure. "I should tell him about this morning." She thought looking at Night laying on his back. Night rolled over facing Moon "It's a nice day don't you think?" Moon was hesitant "Yes, it is a nice day, but can I tell you something?".
   Night tilted his head in curiosity "Well you know you can tell me anything, so what's on your mind mate?". Moon always felt comfortable telling him things. She took a deep breathe "This morning I saw a wolf. A dark grey male. He asked me to come run with him then ran through the fence. I...I think it's another sign. ".
   "A sign to do what?" asked Night scratching behind his jet black ears. Moon shook her head at Night being so clueless." To start a pack. I don't know what I should do. What you think I should do?". Night stared into Moon's eyes that blazed like yellow flames. "I think you should follow your heart, but whatever you choose I'm with you all the way.". Moon licked Night behind his ears in thanks and love, then settled down next to her mate for an evening nap in the sun.
© TNae Malissa,
книга «Star Pack: The New Pack».