Part 3
He didn't notice the surprised look of Anna. I was too busy studying the starry dark sky. In a few weeks he will once again observe a similar picture, but on Board his ship. Away from all these important upstarts with a rich history. And not only history...Nicholas rarely attracted to life on land, in the rich "wards". He loved danger, adventure. Liked every night to go and watch the dark sky.
- Nicholas, you strange questions. That kind of nonsense? – suddenly cried Anne, what caused the extreme discontent of Nicholas. He frowned at her, clearly waiting for him to continue her angry tirade. And he was not wrong.
- If he were the last man in the universe, I would never get on Board his "Culicini"! – continued Anne. Hearing the name of his favorite ship ruined, twisted and altered, Nicholas grimaced. No one showed up to his ship with such disrespect. All should tremble one mention of him and his ship.
- "Calalini" – a little nervously he corrected. - I don't care! You know, sir Clark - Anna indignantly jumped up from the bench, piercing Nicholas's cold gaze, which he immediately came to a quiet rage. No one dares treat him! Nicholas had a strong desire to jump in after Anna. To take the hand, to attract and the power to subdue, to cause to submit, to break her. And then to take her with him, to demand from the Baron the incredible foreclosure and in danger of death. But he couldn't do it.. – looking for Me father, sir Clark. Excuse me. Departure is not necessary. After all, in his estate I find my way. Anna expressed his displeasure and Nicholas waving goodbye like a fan, arrogant gait disappeared behind the trees. Nicholas sighed and raised my head again to the sky.
- Nicholas, you strange questions. That kind of nonsense? – suddenly cried Anne, what caused the extreme discontent of Nicholas. He frowned at her, clearly waiting for him to continue her angry tirade. And he was not wrong.
- If he were the last man in the universe, I would never get on Board his "Culicini"! – continued Anne. Hearing the name of his favorite ship ruined, twisted and altered, Nicholas grimaced. No one showed up to his ship with such disrespect. All should tremble one mention of him and his ship.
- "Calalini" – a little nervously he corrected. - I don't care! You know, sir Clark - Anna indignantly jumped up from the bench, piercing Nicholas's cold gaze, which he immediately came to a quiet rage. No one dares treat him! Nicholas had a strong desire to jump in after Anna. To take the hand, to attract and the power to subdue, to cause to submit, to break her. And then to take her with him, to demand from the Baron the incredible foreclosure and in danger of death. But he couldn't do it.. – looking for Me father, sir Clark. Excuse me. Departure is not necessary. After all, in his estate I find my way. Anna expressed his displeasure and Nicholas waving goodbye like a fan, arrogant gait disappeared behind the trees. Nicholas sighed and raised my head again to the sky.