       It was another cold and windy day in new York ,as was so cold that it got to the point where snow and hail was stacked 4ft high above the ground and my boots was filled with it.and at this point I was mad at 2 things: boots for not being tall and made out of silicone like others, instead they're cotton.
and 2.for my mom having to work late and not pick me up ,also  for her not letting me ride the school bus like a normal 11th grader(high schooler as you might say).
      I had tried calling Jake,my BF,to come pick me up but no awnser. my next option was to go to his house because it was closer than mine.I walk to the front door to hear insanely loud laughter and a female voice.
     "are you really gonna break up with me"I hear as I was gonna look through the shattered glass window by the living room."cause I can leave right now..."
      "NO,you can stay until Nicole comes and knocks on the door"he turns his head to the window and sees me standing out in the cold,looking through it. he had this "ima playa 😎" look on his face and guess what expression I had:😠😤😡😭😭😭⬅ my expression!!!!
              he told his fat pig to get up and he went walking out the door to me.honestly I didn't feel like talking to him but I had to,only to scream IM BREAKING UP WITH YOU in his face.he took one look at me and said "Do you have something to say to me?"I can't believe boys can be so cruel, it was like he wanted me to say something to him "honestly,I HAVE NO WORDS" that's because I didn't.
      at this point I was gonna go home,cry for about 2 hours then hang myself....or not

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© Kamoura Johnson,
книга «A women's broken heart».