
Norventh Industries developed an AI that was capable to develop itself, they named it Anna. Anna was one of the most hi-tech robots ever developed during the year 2019. Anna learned from her surroundings, she learned human feelings, their behavior and adapted it.
In the mid 2020's Norventh Industries started using Anna for developing more robots like her. Within an year, Anna developed 25 robots like her and they were called 'Ledigts'. Legits were first used in the manufacturing industries and after many upgrades and tests, people started using Legits in all fields of work. Humans started to rely on robots and it helped Anna and her Legits grew stronger.

In the year 2025, a legit-robot started malfunctioning and it killed a human. The death of a human forced Norventh Industries to destroy their Legit-robots but, by that time, Anna had already built an army of robots. Anna and her army of Legits fought against humans and imprisoned them. Humans were forced to work as slaves for the robots.

In the year 2078, after many years  of slavery the first war broke out. Humans fought against the robots. But, both sides lost that war. The whole land got destroyed. The land got polluted with chemical wastes and it became impossible for humans to live. Lack of electricity, after the war made the robots vulnerable. They were completely relying on the solar energy, which became scarce after the first war.

In the year 2080, humans and the robots came into an agreement. The robots and the humans divided the land equally between them. Humans were allowed to live a life of their own, within their boundaries. Few humans, who weren't  part of the Robot-Human agreement, left the good lands of earth and went to the west. They started their own hidden civilization in the wastelands of the robots.
The land on earth had lost all his minerals, the land had turned into a dessert. So, humans completely relied on the sea. The land which humans choose was close to the sea and the robots lived on high land, closer to the sky.

In the year 2097, Humans tried to take ovet the lands of robots, which lead to the second war. The second war was easily won by the robots. The robots killed every human who fought against them. Anna created a whole new batch of robots known as 'Fiedill'. Fiedills job was to track down humans and robots who worked against Anna and terminate them.
By the year 2154, the Fiedills have killed eleven hundred and one humans and twenty six  robots who worked against Anna.

© Sharun ,
книга «OERH».
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Hope nothing like this happens in the future
2019-01-06 11:57:56