Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 2
"Was that a nightmare or did that really happened to me... If it was a nightmare then What happened to me last night ?
How did I fell down from the window of my apartment? "

Robert was asking questions to himself.
"Yes...Yes I remember a phone call .... She told me to come near the window and when I was there, someone pushed me down from behind " Robert murmured.

Someone opened the door of his room. It was a nurse. She told Robert to stay in his  bed and don't give stress to  his body and left the room.

On the different corner of the city someone was writing a letter with his eyes filled with tears. With a blurred vision he wrote the letter , took a cab and came to General hospital.
The security cameras captured him. He was in at 12:05 pm and was out at 12:10 pm.

    There in Roberts room while he was taking a nap, someone    kept a letter besides his pillow.
Robert took the letter and when he  read it, he was shocked.

The letter told him " 2014....I'll do to you....what you did to me"   . The numbers were written in blood.

Robert whispered to himself  "is he a fool ... Why did he wrote 2014...its actually 2016 now. Is he trying to tell me something."

© Sharun ,
книга «The Conspiracy».