Chapter 1 ( After I woke )
Chapter 2 ( I'm married )
Chapter 3 ( Tough decisions/ Flashback )
Chapter 4 ( best I can do/ I know what I have to do )
Chapter 5 Should I end it ?/ Can we start anew ?
Chapter 6 - Is it really the end ?
Chapter 2 ( I'm married )
I was startled awake by the sound of an garage door closing. I blinked, tried to focus my eyes but they felt heavy so I closed them.

Then the car door opened, that's when I remembered where I was. And how mad I was at Stephan.

I saw his hands and arms reach inside the car for what I'm guessing is to help me out. But I didn't expect him to lift me out, carried me bridal style up the small stairs off the garage. Then opening the side door, walking up the hallway until we arrived in a sitting room where he gently sat me down on one of the couches.

" Where are we ? Why didn't you take me home ? " I asked.

" We are home. "

" This is not my home. I don't want to be here, " I told him angrily confused.

" Yes, this is our home because you're my wife," he stated as a matter of fact.

Wife ? No I'm not his wife. I think I heard the doctors, nurses says something similar to this but I thought they just said it because he was always there. Which he should have been because it was all his fault. That this happened to me. After months in the hospital my memory came around, I could remember plenty of things of that day before I had my accident.

The way we woke up in bed together, how he took it from me. And I really was into guys, I always focused on school putting my education first. We hung out together a lot, he was friend of mine since childhood so I thought I could trust him. But he proved to be untrustworthy that night. The way I begged him to stop, he'd been drinking, was very forceful. But drinking  wasn't an excuse for what he had done. And after we had woken up, I realized what had happened to me. I wanted to hightail it out his apartment but he chased after me, that's when I fell down those flight of stairs leading to the outside.

But here I am sitting on a couch, in a house, in neighborhood I probably don't even know of. With a guy who says he's my husband but how and when had that happen.

" What's wrong Marie ? You've gone quiet. Are you alright ? Is there any pain ? "

" Yes there's pain but it's in my heart because I'm putting the pieces together of what is going on right now. And something doesn't add up Stephan. Please tell me why ? "

" Well what do you want to know ? "

" Well first how in the hell am I your wife ? And again why have you brought me to this place which you say is my home but I'm thinking otherwise. So just fucking explain to me now ! "

" Okay I'm gonna start from the beginning. I'm truly sorry for what I did. I love you so much Marie, please don't hate me for this, " he tried to explain but I cut him off by saying.

" What are you talking about Stephan ? We are friends but you took our friendship down a wrong, dark scary road. It'll never be fixed. And you say you love me but if you did you wouldn't have forced me ! " I exclaimed wanting jump off the couch, bash him in the head because of all the anger, resentment that I felt towards him barely standing, trying hard not fall.

" It wasn't like that. We thought that you weren't gonna make it. And your mother and father agreed that we should hold an marriage ceremony for us. Because they always wanted us to be together. "

" What?! They wouldn't do that to me. You're lying ! " I cried.

" It's true. At first I didn't want to go through with it. But they insisted, I was feeling guilty. So I went ahead and did it. Then you start showing signs of waking up. And I kept a sat at your bedside, watched and talking to you about anything, everything day in and day out. And one day you opened your eyes, it was the happiest day of my life. I just knew I had to take care of you for rest of my life, " he said this all with an hopeful smile on his face.

I took it all in, reviewed it in my mind for several minutes. But I pretty much still didn't like his explanation. I still felt betrayed, now I added my parents to my list. I might be helpless right now but I would crawl my ass out of here if I had to.

So I knew what I had to tell him then I told him......

" Well I don't want to be married to you so I want a divorce right now. "

Seriously I don't know how far I can go with this short story but I'm hoping to finish it in two or three more chapters.
© sje_107,
книга «Two of us (End of our friendship)».
Chapter 3 ( Tough decisions/ Flashback )