one day in October it was the day before Halloween and my boyfriend tried to do a prank on me while we are doing a sleepover we planned he dressed up as Jason from Friday the 13th movie and hid behind the door she had scary music playing find the window I can find out where the music is coming from and then I walked out the door he was hiding behind and then he came out behind me I screamed and yelled help Maliki help I ran and hid behind the dresser and then he had a fake machete behind him and he was dragging it on the floor then I seen his tail I ran to him and took off the mask I had tears in my eyes I cried and and softly punched him ran over to me after I ran away from him and I was sitting on my knees he sat on his needs to he looked at me he and smiled he gave me a kiss on the Nose and while he was doing that I kissed him on the lips he was blushing like crazy then his friend pushed him on to me he rolled off after a long time ago of blushing it was awkward.
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That's like my short stories I did a Friday 13th special
2018-07-15 11:04:03
@Soft kiri you inspired me to do it
2019-02-22 14:51:50