Ambarrased in public
Heart breaking
Bad day
New boy friend
My new friends
Ambarrased in public
hi! your probably wandering why I created this book? well all persons has awkward situations especially me so let's start by this date 19\02\2018 my birthday oh! by the way I got ten year old so let's continue on the story I was literally gonna cry so.... let me explain what happened I blowned my candles I got my presents it was so cool and fun until...... I told to a boy so Phil my crush and I realized I made a terrible mistake because I didn't know that he could not keep a secret so he ran to my crush so Kevin beautiful blue eyes , brown hairs he is perfect oh sorry so Phil ran into and told him I have a crush on him but I covered his ears I was literally saved but all of the boys surrounding him heard that so I was ambarrased so much that I ran to my room it was so awkward this day
© Chloe Maillard,
книга «Awkward situations in my life».
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Показати всі коментарі (3)
Sophie 22
Ambarrased in public
Is this made up or true
2018-07-24 12:39:00
Chloe Maillard
Ambarrased in public
@Sophie 22 it's true it's like my diary and I wanted to show that I'm not ambarrased or something like this
2018-07-24 12:40:44
Ambarrased in public
Good narration but a small correction don't feel bad it's embarrassment not ambrassed.
2018-07-29 10:09:46