First week
First week
Tonight, i feel like more

It's a great party, said veronica with a smile*

Thank you, wouldn't be great without you.

Are there any more suprises?

Well, the basement has a secrete room if that's what you mean.

Oh really? And what will we be doing in this secrete hidden room?

I will strip you naked and put you in the bathtub and fill it with water


Well, we don't wanna ruin the suprise do we ?

Veronica was a girl beyond imagination, she was what you call a woman of your dreams, so i wanted to make this evening perfect for us. I had to confess everything to her tonight.

The basement looks good.

Yeah... I have been cleaning it ever since Matt announced the Party.

I am suprised to say, you did a really good job.

So where's the bathtub ?

Oh right this way, i directed her towards the bathroom and as i asked her to strip naked, she did what i said without hesitation.

Get in the bathub veronica

Aren't you going to join me ?

I will, i just have some cleaning to do first.

I wash away each scent that her body produced, her makeup and the smell of alcohol wilted away into the water. She was slowly becoming pure.


Yeah jake?

I have something to say to you.

I know.

I am in love with you, i say as i bend over to her and we both share a hard kiss. The kiss left her biting her lower lip, i could tell that she was ready to get some real action.

Putting in the electrical device inside the bathtub i watched as her entire body turned from white to purple and a smell of stench filling the air, she was looking at me.

Turning off the electrical device, i carry her out of the bathroom and dried her body till there were no form of wetness left.

Tonight, i feel like more

© Zeeshan Ali Ali,
книга «Digital Bath».
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Показати всі коментарі (4)
First week
So what happened???? Another sex story .... that's it?????!!!!
2018-05-28 13:29:33
First week
Secret* i dunno what type of lunatics are ehre stupid stories with worst grammer
2018-05-31 08:15:50
First week
so many Grammatical mistakes hon you need to read more before writing
2018-05-31 08:18:03