Talk about love?
The Story of Mrs. L.
Talk about hate?
Life in the city h.
Talk about fear and fearlessness?
What about your dream?
Talk about love?
What is love?

Love for me is something terrible.. No, scary is not like horror movies or scary quests. This is much scarier.

It's a feeling that can kill you if you're too weak or sensitive. It can make you happy if you are brave and know how to work on yourself. I don't have either.

But why talk about me when it's about you?

"Love is a strong infatuation, an attachment made by two or more people."

What? Love more than one?
I was also skeptical of this judgment at first, but then I got used to it and accepted it as something that is really possible.

Love of a couple, love of a child, love of parents, love of work, love of friendship

I was able to understand this only a few years after I forgot how to love. But I was distracted again, and so love...

"Love is just an instinct that makes us multiply."

If this is so, then where does same-sex love come from, or do people who hate intimacy, but know how to love? Or is it better to say that they know how to show feelings? Tenderness? Care? But then this is nonsense, because these are all the main components of love.

I hope you do not mind if I sometimes deviate from the topic, because it is impossible to explain it without examples.

"Love is a neurotic reaction carried out with the help of chemical organic and inorganic substances."

I wonder how complex reactions occur in my brain during work or exams?

Looking at all these statements, it seems to me that love is something unattainable, something that no one knows about.

Perhaps, working on myself more, I will rethink the concept of love for myself.

Now, you probably still wonder why I'm so afraid of this feeling. In my entire life, I have not seen a single example of happy love, either there was just profit, or abuse, or hopelessness.

They were never happy. One person always suffered, less often both suffered. More often than not, one became a tyrant. But love requires the work of two people.

Do you think it is necessary to work on yourself for a full-fledged union?
© Ann Ger,
книга «Talk to you?».
The Story of Mrs. L.