The moon is not that pretty now.
One bitter night
Dear Reader
Songs-- If you're feeling bad.
Silly one in love
Silly one in love
She is fifteen and in love

" Nothing is bigger than you and me,
I can't see further, I can't even speak.
It's like you've killed all my friends and I won't even grieve.
Show me how wrong can this love be.
Cut my skin, and bleed in red.
Snap a picture of my scars, put it on the internet.
I'll sell my anxiety, all for you;
Be what you need, so they think we're so cool.
Silver gleam,  a name on my arms,
You're better than the prettiest charm."

Now she is sixteen and out of love,
Does not know how to breathe, when she's out of love.
© Zeen ,
книга «I lived.».