The Afterlife of This Life
Різне, Думки вголос, Цікаве
I don't know how to be happy.
It's just not in me to gain such a thing.
But I already don't have any long term goals of obtaining anything such as that.
To me it's just too far fetched to be possible.
Not that I won't have little glimpses of happiness, off & on.
But the fact is: it never lasts.
So why focus on that? Why focus on the opposite? We live every day we reawake.
That won't stop until we finally kill over.
No way around that factual statement.
If there's more beyond this life, I just hope it's more than a heavan/hell/limbo scenario. Something more in-depth. Deeper. More meaningful than a reward or punishment.
Something bigger than we can ever ponder up with our simple minds.
I wish, I hope - I hope, I wish.
But I know what happens for every wish I've ever made.