The Afterlife of This Life
Різне, Думки вголос, Цікаве
I don't know how to be happy.
It's just not in me to gain such a thing.
But I already don't have any long term goals of obtaining anything such as that.
To me it's just too far fetched to be possible.
Not that I won't have little glimpses of happiness, off & on.
But the fact is: it never lasts.
So why focus on that? Why focus on the opposite? We live every day we reawake.
That won't stop until we finally kill over.
No way around that factual statement.
If there's more beyond this life, I just hope it's more than a heavan/hell/limbo scenario. Something more in-depth. Deeper. More meaningful than a reward or punishment.
Something bigger than we can ever ponder up with our simple minds.
I wish, I hope - I hope, I wish.
But I know what happens for every wish I've ever made.
Angry with everything
Потрібна допомога, Думки вголос
Wish I would've had this app before I lost 2 or 3 of my books a bit ago.
Not to mention all the books I typed that are now lost on a CDrom somewhere...
Almost every word I've ever put down is lost.
Whatever is...
Думки вголос
Once we die, what's to come?
Why must everyone expect to know what will before it ever does?
I believe whatever is, is regardless of anyone's belief in it.
But all of our speculation of what may or may not end up being is completely irrelevant.
Whatever will be, will be, no matter how you see or hope it might be.
So why must everyone always try to figure out what none of us will ever really know?
Not until we find our own death, sooner or later.
But then, why should it really matter?
Whatever is going to happen, will simply come to be.
Despite your POV or anything else.
Just let it be.
Thinking about potential possibilities does nothing in the way of finding any definite answer.
Just live your life.
Just be.
Take Credit for the Blame
Tonight's cuts were done,
from the comfort of my bed.
I'm sure they were seen
- they had to be.
But it's just one more thing,
you won't bother to speak.
& I already know better,
than to voice my displeasure.
Seeing as my words
are only overlooked,
for everytime I try.
Only to realize,
that I might as well had lied.
I generally keep to myself,
& I help in small ways.
But with every problem you start,
I can't keep taking the brunt,
can't always take credit
for the blame.
But it's forever my fault,
except when it's not - but then,
you just turn & walk away.
Leaving me alone again,
covered in my shame.
Can Only Feel Myself
I'm scratching the wounds from yesterday.
Taking it in - feeling the pain.
When I can only feel myself,
& the others who fill the void.
What's it all to matter?
I've already obviously made my choice.
So why must you forcibly make it matter?
Completely ignoring the level of my voice.
& as I'm already dead,
more or less.
As is the next,
just as the last.
What's the point in caring,
for how one ends up?
When we're all simply stuck,
where we happen to lye
(within every lie).
& we're all only living,
until the day
we finally die.
Already Done
I cut myself.
One day I will kill myself.
I hope to be the only reason
for my next meet with death.
I really can't wait,
to take my last breath.
3rd time's the charm/
3 strikes & I'm out.
Only then, will I gain,
everything I've ever hoped about.
Of all I ignore.
Of all I never could.
is what really kills me, again.
Only for everyday I reawake.
& I forever hate the next breath I take.
3 more weeks,
& then,
I can start again.
May not help anything.
But not even trying,
gives only what I expect to come.
& with no options,
if I do stay,
I'm already done.