Dark box
Shine bright, my star
Wolf in human skin

She thought she'd have a chance at being saved as she saw the crowd. People all throughout

the shopping center squandered their money and basked in the holiday cheer, utterly absorbed in

their personal lives, unable to notice the girl covered in dirt and scratches roaming frantically

around. Store after store, she had been kicked out for being unclean.

Desperate pleas hanging on her lips went unheard as she was being rushed out each door

without a second thought.

“You have no shoes on girl,” the clothing store manager said, “I won't have it! Now please

leave! ”

It had been the same at each store. The shoppers in the district had ignored her, turning their

heads upon her approach. An adolescent child gaped at her before being ushered away by his

mother, “But Mom,” he says.

“Hush child, that's none of our business,” his mother said to him, jerking him away.

The girl eyed a corner tucked away from the crowd and decided to take a seat, observing the

people carry on as she wrapped her arms around her knees.

“I don't get it. I'd totally help if I saw me. Why are they just blowing me off? " She

contemplated quietly to herself.

“They'd rather not see,” a musical voice said.

The girl jumped and looked around to see a young boy sitting next to her, with copper skin

and white hair that matched his suit. His inquisitive eyes had a slight glow. The boy smiled and

said, “Hi there! What's your name?

"It's Kai."

“Nice to meet you! My name is Samael. They're not going to help you, you know. ”

Kai looked into the boy's eyes and said, “What'ya mean?”

Samael laughed and said, “Surely you've noticed right? The people here are empty, trying to

satisfy themselves with gifts in place of fulfillment. That's why I decided to help you. "

Kai took a moment to consider what the boy said, looking out to the strangers in the area

ignoring her, despite being close enough to be visible. “Tell me about it! They threw me out and

everything, like trash. "

“Now, now,” Samael said, stroking her arm, “We don't have to worry about them anymore.

Like I said, I'm here to help you. "

Kai shook her head, “But why? It's not like I can give you anything. ”

Samael didn't say anything. Instead, he rose and held his hand out to her. Once the

loneliness had subsided, her body shook severely as she sobbed in relief.

Kai wiped her nose and said, “I'm sorry. I didn't think that I'd meet anyone that'd help me.

Then I got ignored and— "

“Shhhh, it's okay. I'm here now, ”Samael said as he pulled her close and stroked her hair.

Samael didn't move, allowing her the time needed to collect herself. Kai wiped the tears from

her cheeks and looked Samael in the eyes, nodding as they interlocked fingers and emerged from

the alley. Samael smiled.

And then, silence.

Everyone in eye shot came to a standstill, staring at the couple as their eyes turned black.

They then faced in Kai's direction and began a slow shuffle toward the two. Samael didn't react.

“It's okay. They don't comprehend what they see. They're homogenous in a sense I

suppose, like a hivemind, ”He mused.

Kai was silent as her pace slowed. She bit her lip, lowering her head down in an attempt to

avert the void-like eyes of the crowd.

“It won't be long now,” Samael said, stroking her hand absently with his thumb.

Kai looked at his face and asked, “Where are we going anyway? Not gonna ask how I got

like this? "

“Oh, because it doesn't matter,” Samael explained. “The past doesn't matter where we're

going. The only thing that matter is your new purpose. ”

“My new purpose? I thought you were saving me. "

Samael took a final look at the ambling crowd closing in and said, “What gave you that

idea? I never said I was saving you. You're gonna represent an angel of death. ”

Kai laughed, surprising Samael. She turned to him and said, “Oh is that all? Well hell,

anything is better than this. Let's go. ”

Samael laughed, elated, and swiped his hand, opening a door engulfed in light. Together,

they walked through hand in hand, just barely out the reach of the looming crowd.

© Enok Mayeny,
книга «Light Bright: Short Stories of Weirdness».