Hello! Come In
Why we Struggle so much to Let Go of certain People
Think Hard before You answer
Think Hard before You answer
I took hard look at myself. "So do You still think lives could be saved? unnatural being ask. To be honest the air around the room still disrupting all the keys strok. "Death! I see life like trillions of trillion fluctlight connected simultaneously to That unknown." Uh, come again! Death look confused. repeated myself "I said, this world of our is a flight simulator that focuses on realism and fun. Until you hit the rock bottom."
So, you think this earthly place is virtualisation or some sort? Death ask. I look forward, the red buzzing eyes caught mine. "Not just, some sort, but it the truth. if God exist then "he" or  "It" created this world, and probably me, and you too. so in that instant access conscious conclusion. I stand correct. "But, You can bleed? Death add. if this where actually virtual worlds as you said "Enok" how's it possible then?
hard question to answer right away," I said to myself.
"Can we take a break? I ask.
a divine miracle just wander here, and you're going to tore it aside! Death murmured in silent.
Look, Death I'm like a relay, I switch a lot, and during this couple of years, I went thru a lot. science, philosophy, religious study, infectious diseases, the line goes on. what I want to say is that, 'If truly God gave this life, and with it freechoice, then how come he still ask for receipt, sorry for my bad humour, why God demand a lot from us. I know it created me. And on my way out, he create a jail cell if I miss behaved. To be truthfully nothing is given free. I repeat (nothing is given free) the cost may come in whatsome unfathomable." Enok! sleep tonight, ....and don't worry. I'm not this area for you. rest assured."
wind blow thru my room as the rugged looking man just vanish.
© Enok Mayeny,
книга «My Conversation».