Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 1

"Hurry up marshmallow , we'll be late for school" shouted selim from downstairs .

" selim it's for the hundredth time , it's Mariam not marshmallow" said mariam while running down the stairs.

"You're my marshmallow" he said with admiration.

They get out of her house and they ride selim's car. Mariam sighed with sadness . Selim turned his face to her while driving.

"What's going on marsh?! Did something happened in ur house?!"

"No alhamdullah I'm just tired" she said while not looking into his eyes.


"No I'm not lying" . she snapped.

"Hey wh......"

She got out of his car running inside their highschool. While she was running , she bumped into someone.

"Nour alhamdullah it was u"

"Why were u running?!" asked her friend ,nour.


"Hi nour , what's the hell is going on mariam?!"

"Nothing selim , I'm really fine "

" selim just keep her alone at the moment and I will see what's going on " said nour

" Definitely no , I won't "

" selim please leave me alone right now" mariam said pleadingly.


Mariam and nour were sitting at the lunch time on their table.

" Spit it out ,mariam"

" It's about kendall"

"Mariam u have not told him " asked nour shocked.

" I didn't dare to tell him, If I told him kendall won't leave me alone and she will keep bullying me "

" I'll rip her hair that badass"

Selim and a girl entered the cafeteria while hugging her.

"OMG another girl , unbelievable" mariam said while laughing loudly.

" I hope kendall to see this and stop to bully you "

" She won't cuz she knows that I am bestfriends with selim and he just playing around those girls"

Selim was walking towards mariam's table with the girl.

"Hey girls , this is shelby "

"Hey" both girls greeted.


Sheilby is sitting in the table flirting with Selim while mariam and nour are giggling. Mariam is eating her chips while tears in her evey from laughter.

" What's going mariam why're you laughing " selim asked her with annoying voice.

"Look at ur face dude , you seem uninterested!" Mariam said with a low voice so sheilby wouldn't listen.

Nour noticed the looks the sheilby is giving towards mariam, so she decided to break that." so sheilby when did you get to know selim?".

"Hmmm.... I get to know him at the party last night. I knew that he is from our school but I didn't get the chance to talk to him ,although I was desperate to". sheilby said the latter in a seductive way that made the two girls want to puke.

"It's nice to meet you then" mariam said with a friendly grin. "Of course".

Mariam wanted to punch her badly ,but she kept her hands beside for selim's sake. She wanted to cry but something caught her attention, kendall was making her entrance inside the cafeteria and giving a glare to mariam. Mariam stood from her seat and then went to the toilet. She felt steps behind her she thought that kendall is following her so she walked quickly and then someone twirl her around.

"Selim!!, oh god I thought you were k....." she shut her mouth quickly. " I'm sorry about sheilby , I should have stopped her." She looked at his eyes deeply and felt the guilt radiating from him. " So I would like to take you out for a new Ice cream parlor in the city". Hs winked at her knowing that she'll indeed accept it.

"Okay your apology is accepted, I can't stand for ice cream and you know that " she said with happiness.

" so you won't come because you can't stand my charm? ". he asked with a smirk

" in your dreams, fofo". she giggled

" OMG, stop that marsh it's so bad"

" if you didn't shut up I'll say it infront of people "

" yes , ma'am"

she returned proudly to the cafeteria with selim beside. " yoo, were'nt you heading to the toilet "

he asked with curiosity . " yeah but I lost my pee".

selim kept laughing. They sit back in the table while mariam noticed that sheilby isn't here.

" where sheilby has gone?" mariam asked while her eyes roaming the hall and landed on sheilby that giving her a glare.

" selim kicked her from the seat " nour said while smiling.

" why did you do that" mariam asked him patiently for an answer.

" No one deserves to sit with me if they will treat you in this way . No one treats my best friend with such a way"

" OMG, you didn't have to do this, it's not necessary. thanks to you , I have got another enemy" she then stood from her seat and went to her next class.

the day went by quickly and mariam left school before selim caught her. She heard her phone buzzing , she took it out of her pocket and found selim calling for her. she didn't answer him, she arrived her home and went to her room to take a nap. she woke up after 2 hours and checked her phone. she found a message from selim saying he'll be at here house after an hour.

Mariam's POV

I checked my phone i found that selim is coming within an hour so I get ready for facing him as well as for the ice cream. I put my hijab on and prayed maghreb and I heard a honk of a car. I get out of my room and told mom that selim is taking me somewhere. I get out of the house.

" I'll kill you , you know that" he said with warning .

" What I have done for doing such a crucial thing "

" You got mad without reason, left school without me, and didn't answer my call"

I think it's the time for telling him about kendall.

© Ny Junior,
книга «The Bad Boy's BestFriend».
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Sama MGdy
Chapter 1
2020-08-01 22:33:42