Take Off
Take Off
  Hey dad. Can you bring the hammer upstairs for me? Looks like I broke something! What is it that you broke this time? Uhm... ahh... A chair. Is it the one I recently repaired last weekend? Yeah. Apparently, you didn't do the job well enough. You really think so, huh? Well if you did... I wouldn't have fallen on my ass now, would I!?
  Take a good solid look at me young lady. Nobody ever speaks to me, in that manner! So don't you dare forget whose roof it is, to which you live under! Am I understood? Yes you are. I didn't hear that, as I should've. Perfectly. Good to hear. Now get ready to go. We'll be leaving in the next half hour. Okay? Sure thing. Who's at the door?
  Hello, and a pleasant good morning to you! Who are you, if I may ask? You may not. May I enter your beautiful house? No. You may not. Do you think this is a game, Dr. Lynx? How do you know my name, if I may ask? You may not... Here, take these documents. What are they? They're documents! Off course they are. What do I do with them? Obviously... You need to read it. Clock's ticking, you have approximately twenty-five minutes to do so. Why? My boss will contact you within that time frame, with the number listed on the envelope. So keep your phone switched on. Your boss?! You didn't even introduce yourself to me! Now you're telling me about your boss! Who do you think you are?! My boss' messenger, I guess. Your phone's ringing, by the way.
  Well don't just stand there in disbelief! Go pick up the call. You said I had twenty-five minutes to read through this! No. I said you had, within twenty-five, not twenty-five. You probably should clean your ears more frequently... Doctor's orders. Are you a doctor? Just answer the phone already! Instead of asking me these ridiculous questions!
  Hello...Who am I speaking with? Hello Dr. Lynx! Did you go through those documents, that were recently delivered to you? No, I did not. What is the importance of them? Dad... Who are you talking to? No one important dear! Okay. I'll be down in a minute. Okay. Was that your little girl, April? You dirty creep! How do you know my daughter?! I know everything there is to know about you, and your sweet little genius, Dr. Lynx. I'm ready to go dad. I'll meet you in the car sweetie. Listen to me carefully, you sick, pervasive excuse of a human being! I will have you on my lab table, in an instant! If you ever lay your hands on my daughter! Do you hear me?! Dad, I'll be late for my first day of university! I'm on my way.
  You sounded very upset and irritative, over the phone. Who was it? I told you... It's no one important. You shouldn't worry yourself too much. I've got it under control. Alright... If you say so. I won't keep the water on fire, for too long. What is that suppose to mean? You'll figure it out... You always do. Damn straight! Hahaha! High fives up top!? Damn straight! Hahahahaha! Just keep your eyes on the road... Okay? There's no need to panic, I'm the safest pair of hands around. I know that! You should still drive with precaution though. Since safe, doesn't always live up to its name.
  How do you think your first will be? Well, judging by the way my previous first days went. I think that I should be okay! Let positivity and productivity reign supreme! If you ever want to live your dream! I have that already on lockdown, dad. I'm prepped and ready to launch. That's my daughter right there! You betcha! Have a great day! I will! Say hello to August for me! I'll give him your regards. Thank you dad! Enjoy your day! You said that already!
  Good morning newbie! Hey. How are you? I'm alright, and you? I'm fine thank you. You're now welcomed to our state of the art, world renowned institute of science and technology! I am so stoked to be here. As you should be, Ms. Lynx. We are absolutely delighted to have you here with us. Oh please, just ease up on the gas pedal a bit. I am just like everyone else! We both know that's not true. Just take me to the grand hall. With pleasure, right this way. Thank you, and have a good day.
  Everyone please welcome, April Lynx! She will be in the immediate running for student President! ... You all are such wonderful people here! I'm sure we'll get along quite well. You have a question for me... Aura? Sure thing! Uhm... What do you plan to achieve, whilst staying here with us, short term? Since every institution you attend, tends to be a thrill ride, through Sunset Parks! Good question. Though, there are no thrill rides, through Sunset Parks. I can almost guarantee you that! As for my plans... You all will witness them first hand, in real time!
  Alright then everyone. That's gonna be all for today! Have a great week, and stay clear of trouble. Yes indeed, Mrs... Mrs. Letterman; Head of the 'Engineering and Sciences' department. Let's get to it then! I can't wait to start my life here! I'll see you when I see you! That'd be in fifteen minutes. See you then!
  Hey April! ... Wait up, wait up! I have something that I want to show you. Okay... Let me take a look. ... These look like designed schematics, for a space vehicle of some sort. Did you come up with this yourself?! No, not really! I mean the idea, and the sheets of paper are mine; but the descriptive and technical prowess aren't. Of course they are Aura! Except miss genius... They really aren't. Alright then, who did it? I really shouldn't mention his name. Well... I'm not letting you leave my presence, until you tell me about him. Is that so? Affirmative. You don't strike me as the hooligan type. I'm not. Good! So let me go then. No... Not until you tell me! If I tell you the slightest about him! I am good as dead. So you could keep me here, as long as you want! I won't tell you anything!
  Ladies, ladies, ladies! What's all of this commotion about?! Ask the newbie... She'll describe it for you, in perfectly precise detail! In the meantime, I've got important classes to attend. We'll talk about this later?! No, we won't! So just forget about it! I would love to chat about the project itself. Would that be a problem as well? No... No problem at all. We can analyse it, whenever we don't have constructive things to do. Can't wait to see this! Don't get your knickers in a twist. See you later ?! Yeah... Hasta luego! First class, here I come!
  Good morning son! Good morning Father! Your sister sends her regards. She couldn't stop herself, wanting to see you. How is she? She is doing very well! Aside from her academic intelligence... Where is she at? She's in a good place. You don't have to worry. She is my baby sister! Of course I'll get worried about her! There's no need to get frustrated... Okay?! If you say so. Where are the experimental samples? They were placed in the cooler tanks. You can thank me later. Why should I be thanking you? Isn't all of this, part of your job?! Yes it is... But who does overtime the most around here, huh?! Is it you? Is it Cali? Is it his egotistical knob headed brother?!
  Did someone just mention my name? No one was talking to you Cali! Keep your mouth shut, unless you're spoken to! Do you hear me?! You didn't stutter, did you? Just get out of my way! You solid piece of dung! Dr. Lynx... Can I speak with you in private? My workload for the week is really cramped. So whatever you have to discuss... Make it quick. It's about the formula I've been working on, for the past week. What's the problem? Its pathogen cells... Has been tampered with. Of course it was! ... You often leave it with the kids, Cali. What did you think was going to happen?! Did you think they were gonna store it away properly? Get out of my sight, Cali. But Sir. Just get the hell, out of my sight! I need to figure this out... I need to figure out this shit storm, you just caused!
  This is an open call... To everyone who's interested in joining the football team, and the cheer leading squad! Please contact the sports district department, on Saturday! Hey April... Get over here. I've got an update to run by you. Is it about the mysterious tech designer? No... It's about me. What about you? I'm not who I was pretending to be... Recently speaking. Well that's not very surprising, not even in the slightest way. Look... I am sorry for the way I behaved earlier. I didn't mean to get off on you like that. Its OK Aura! There's no need for an apology. In fact... I'm the faulty wiring here! I should be the one apologising... Not you. OK? If you say so. Anyway... I've got to be on my way now. Enjoy the rest of the day though April! I'll see you tomorrow then? Nope! I have no classes! However, I'll send you the schematics for the project that I showed you. How? I'll explain it to him, so he'll send it to you, via social media! Don't scratch your head about it! Alright!! I'll be waiting!!
  Why's Dad taking so long?! I have my appointment to get to! I can get you there on time, if you don't mind! I'm Ceri, by the way! Sorry Ceri... I don't accept lifts from strangers. So, you're gonna have to move on. I'll move on, if you get in. How about that? Look here Ceri... My Dad will be here any minute now. So I think it's best, that you be on your way... Alright?! Okay, but before I leave though. What's your name? Its... Really cold outside! So getting caught with your pants pulled down... Doesn't sound like a good idea to me. I'll take my chances, pretty princess. Well then lost prince. You're gonna have to take those chances in... 5, 4, 3, 2,  1! Hey Dad!! What took you so long?  I was getting, really, worried whilst waiting for you! Who were you talking with over there? I think he said his name was uh... It slipped my mind! Well, that's a really stupid name. Let me introduce you to him! Oh well... Looks like he took my advice after all. Sweetie, we should be on our way now. Yeah, sure thing Dad... Lets get out of here.
  Your phone's lighting up Dad... Looks like a message from work. What do they need now?! ... {screams} Dad, look out!! [collision] {crowd gathers} Someone call the ambulance!! Don't just stand there whispering your lousy behinds. There are human beings in there! A little girl, for crying out loud!! Do we look like we care, about who's in there?! You should care... Even in the slightest way possible! Because you all have children under your wings... Regardless of the circumstances!! So... Say we help them right now, Mr., whoever you are. Its Alin... Ceri Alin!
© Paul Francis,
книга «April Lynx».