Then in December 2014, after four
years of using crutches, something
else happened. A doctor discovered that I
had gotten a wrong diagnosis. I did
not have a growth in my knee. What
I had been ailing for seven
years was a dislocation of my hip
joint. I was operated on that same
month and once again set off on my
journey to recovery.
This part of the journey was taxing.
A few weeks after the surgery, it was
discovered that my right leg was actually
shorter than the left. This meant that
I had to use a raised shoe. I had new
problem on my hands. Or foot if you
will. Once again, I started attracting
even more stares. This was around
the time that I was joining college.
The practical part of my journalism
classes became a challenge. I could
not hold a camera standing or be on
my feet for prolonged periods.
Outside the lecture halls, making
friends became yet another
challenge. Rather than try too hard, I
choose to spend more time in my
room either reading or watching
movies. When I went out, it was to
the stadium where I played sitting
volleyball. Even when I was not
playing, I would still go. It was a
chance to interact with people like
me, people who understood my
years of using crutches, something
else happened. A doctor discovered that I
had gotten a wrong diagnosis. I did
not have a growth in my knee. What
I had been ailing for seven
years was a dislocation of my hip
joint. I was operated on that same
month and once again set off on my
journey to recovery.
This part of the journey was taxing.
A few weeks after the surgery, it was
discovered that my right leg was actually
shorter than the left. This meant that
I had to use a raised shoe. I had new
problem on my hands. Or foot if you
will. Once again, I started attracting
even more stares. This was around
the time that I was joining college.
The practical part of my journalism
classes became a challenge. I could
not hold a camera standing or be on
my feet for prolonged periods.
Outside the lecture halls, making
friends became yet another
challenge. Rather than try too hard, I
choose to spend more time in my
room either reading or watching
movies. When I went out, it was to
the stadium where I played sitting
volleyball. Even when I was not
playing, I would still go. It was a
chance to interact with people like
me, people who understood my