Alina Bush
2020-03-24 10:56:38
18 things till 19 y/o/
Цікаве, Особисте, Думки вголос
I am going to be 19 year old person soon.
This is a great time to introduce myself to a mature world 🙃.
It's time for the serious actions and new adventures 😉.
I would like to set myself with 18 tips, which I understood till I will have my 19th birthday.
1. Important and valuable people in life will always be there and always be able to help you in difficult times.
2. Parents and family are your eternal support.
3. Love and be loved. Most importantly, sincerely and to make it all mutually. If there is a mental connection, then the silence will be comfortable.
4. Don't be afraid of the rapidity of events. Everything is going as it should be for you. It's your life. Each of us have a theme of time and don't be afraid.
5. Planning time and your actions is important. To do everything possible to the glider.
6. Books and poetry is a way to inspire yourself and to raise the level of its development.
7. To find yourself something new just good for you. The more things you try, the more it's need in life.
8. The environment depends on your mood. The more "toxic" people in your life are, the worse it will be for you.
9. Be yourself. If you're beautiful on the inside, the outer beauty will glow even more.
10. The music and singing. Even if you can't sing, but love music -don't be afraid to do it. If you feel you want to sing and dance, do it like nobody sees or hears you.
11. Mental connection with your inner self needs to develop. So it is necessary to love yourself.
12. Developing yourself in those things that you like. It could be anything. Nobody has to drive you of the way, because of they don't like what you do.
13. Don't be afraid to show yourself. To act where-that declares the texts, record videos, take your YouTube channel.
14. Deal with stressful situations calmly. The rising tone or the development of the conflict - is not an option.
15. Appreciate your time and the time that you have right now. Tomorrow is abstract, live today.
16. Silence. Shut up and look beautiful. The voice of the beloved, nature sounds, music. It's so inspiring.
17. Smile. Your smile is unique. And it should glow.
18. You are exactly the person that had to be created. You have not been created, someone should do it.