Alina Bush
2020-03-24 10:55:49
Just one picture
Цікаве, Особисте, Думки вголос
It would seem that just one photo can change the subsequent perception of the world and beauty. It all began in 2016. That time i didn`t realize that I can write poetry or some posts (as I do right now). I was flipping through the pages of our photo album, where it stumbled upon a very old sheets of copper color. As if it drowned in black tea and put to dry in the sun. But no, these sheets were tested by time. Opening the mysterious envelope, I saw an amazing vintage photos of my grandmother. Pictures covered the period from the birth of my grandmother and up to 2000s. I watched them with such enthusiasm that just was amazed at how everything can be so beautiful. Though not ideal.🖤
One by one, photos were hiding one behind the other, as they were concealed from me a truth or secret. And then... This photo... it's... It's beautiful. It took my breath away... I stopped thinking... I've just caught up in the atmosphere... I was a witness of this event. She sits on the soft soil that was wet after the rain... Apparently, she was picking mushrooms and decided to take a break. In her hands was a sharp knife that walks under the roots of fungi, removing them from the mycelium. She sits.. finger Beams smeared with soil. The smell of it. The smell of soil after rain... can you Imagine?🥰
Looking at this picture, I realized that selling parts of something that was written with black ink pen. The inscription on the back said: "After a sleepless night, October 30, 1983". Just imagine this picture inspired me to write my first poem entitled "Myself." And I think this is a good beginning. Because my grandmother inspired me to create something beautiful. And thanks to her, I keep doing it without leaving any inspiration nor time to do it.🙃